Back in 2011, I bought a 20-DVD course called Learn and Master Guitar. At the time, I used HandBrake to rip the first 14, with the intention of playing the MP4V files on my MacBook Pro. Life got in the way, and I didn't get very far with my guitar lessons. Now that I'm sheltering in place due to the coronavirus crisis, I decided to give the lessons another try. I now have a 2019 iMac with the latest versions of Catalina and HandBrake (1.3.1). I tried ripping the remaining DVDs, and the resulting videos are blocky, pixellated, and otherwise distorted. I tried some different settings, but the problem persists. I also tried ripping a couple DVDs from Learn and Master Piano (my wife wants to learn), and the results were the same. My original 2011 rips are just fine.
Interestingly, I found a December 2019 thread on this forum in which the OP had the opposite problem: His old HandBrake MP4V rips are blocky, pixellated, and otherwise distorted, whereas new rips he makes are just fine. His problem wasn't resolved.
Any ideas? I copied the VIDEO_TS folders to my Mac, so I can watch them with VLC, but my original plan was to put the MP4V rips on my iPad.
Interestingly, I found a December 2019 thread on this forum in which the OP had the opposite problem: His old HandBrake MP4V rips are blocky, pixellated, and otherwise distorted, whereas new rips he makes are just fine. His problem wasn't resolved.
Any ideas? I copied the VIDEO_TS folders to my Mac, so I can watch them with VLC, but my original plan was to put the MP4V rips on my iPad.