I made this neat little cheat sheet of handy keyboard shortcuts if you're new to OS X, which you may find useful, especially if you're more of a keyboard person than a mouse person ;-) Note: The mouse hints are for a Magic Mouse.
The document is MS Word, because I'm not that familiar with Pages (yet?), so the fiddly layout probably gets messed up when you open it in Pages or LibreOffice, so I've attached a picture as well.
Other keyboard shortcuts I've noted down over the past month or so of getting familiar with OS X - I'm sure they're already covered elsewhere, but fwiw, I found these useful:
Select an app, type exactly the menu item text, and assign a shortcut key combination (use Opt+; to type "...")
The document is MS Word, because I'm not that familiar with Pages (yet?), so the fiddly layout probably gets messed up when you open it in Pages or LibreOffice, so I've attached a picture as well.
Other keyboard shortcuts I've noted down over the past month or so of getting familiar with OS X - I'm sure they're already covered elsewhere, but fwiw, I found these useful:
- Command + Tab switches between apps, and if you add Shift, it goes in reverse, but within the current app, you can use Command + ` to switch between that app's windows. Luckily, moving between browser tabs is the same as everywhere: Control + Tab.
- If you switch between views in Finder often, you might find Command + 1 for icon view, and Command + 2 for list view, etc. useful.
- Command + I for Get Info window of a file.
- Command + F for find (in Finder), which can do pretty complex searches!
- Control+Command + D for Dictionary.
- Holding down Option often gives you more options, e.g. when you click on something or start an app.
Select an app, type exactly the menu item text, and assign a shortcut key combination (use Opt+; to type "...")