I have a Macbook Pro running High Sierra from about 2010! Obviously she's not my main computer, but she's a fantastic media centre, with all my music on iTunes, connected to my stereo. Problem is that I am completely out of space, which makes no sense. iTunes has either 204.25gb of music, or 219.01gb, depending on whether you're looking at the iTunes app, or at the system information. The system information also shows 790mb of downloaded apps (the biggest app is 750mb, and doesn't want to be gotten rid of). Somehow a maximum of less than 220gb fills up a 250gb hard drive. I raeslise there are native apps, and operating system files taking up space, but do they really take up that much space? Isn't a 250gb hard drive, where 30gb is completely unusable a bit of a rip off?
If it is just system files taking up space, are there any I can safely delete? I'm once bitten, twice shy on that one; I know that you can't just delete those files willy-nilly. Or are there perhaps native app I can delete. I have literally never used most of them, I just don't know how to delete them.
Because when I say that there is no space left, I mean there's none. Annoyingly it fluctuates, I guess that's depending on what the RAM is doing, but sometimes it says there's a couple of hundred mb left, sometimes it says there's zero.
Another thought is that the discrepency between what iTunes shows, and what the system information reflects the music that's on the hard drive, but not in iTunes. If that's the case, is there any way I can delete all the music that's not in iTunes?
If it is just system files taking up space, are there any I can safely delete? I'm once bitten, twice shy on that one; I know that you can't just delete those files willy-nilly. Or are there perhaps native app I can delete. I have literally never used most of them, I just don't know how to delete them.
Because when I say that there is no space left, I mean there's none. Annoyingly it fluctuates, I guess that's depending on what the RAM is doing, but sometimes it says there's a couple of hundred mb left, sometimes it says there's zero.
Another thought is that the discrepency between what iTunes shows, and what the system information reflects the music that's on the hard drive, but not in iTunes. If that's the case, is there any way I can delete all the music that's not in iTunes?