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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 23, 2016
I ask because it seems that dirt and debris is going to be much more of an issue with the new mechanism. My first 2016 13" nonTB MBP had a broken I key (it was only half attached and made a loud pop when pressed) and before I returned it I tried to take it off to see if I could re-seat it. It came off fine but when putting it back on it refused to go on no matter how I tried until just using brute force it bent the plastic piece it clicks into making it so it was never going to go back on. I'm taking extra care to keep they keyboard clean but for now I don't trust myself to take them off and put them back on again if it needs cleaning.
Gonna tag this thread. I also like the remove keys for cleaning, but only when necessary or when I'm selling.
I'm going to bump this to update it in case anyone searches this in the future.

I actually had to remove some of the keys because I had a minor spill on my 2016 13" TB keyboard and wanted to thoroughly clean everything. I don't know how the old keys were, but on the 2016 model the top half of the key snaps in and the bottom half of the key has little loops that hook into the seating.
This is important for two reasons: When taking the key off pry it off from the top side, if you pry it off from the bottom it looks like you could cause damage, and second, when putting the key back into place you need to put the bottom half in first so it hooks over the little pegs it clips into and then just push the top two parts in until they click into place. If you try to put them back in by pushing the bottom half in you're going to bend the plastic bars they snap into and need to repair them as they're pretty fragile.

I've attached two images so you can see the key clips and the little posts they stick into.


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