I've got a small home network with Time Capsule as my base station and (usually) my iMac and my MacBook Air and printer connected. In finder windows on my iMac, no one else shows up. In finder windows on my MBA, however, fairly frequently there's an unknown computer that pops up under "Shared" listed as "macintosh-2" (sic, lower-case). I've got the firewall set up, and yesterday I changed both the Time Capsule password and the network password, but lo and behold that macintosh-2 remounted today. Should I be worried? Should I change anything?
And weird that it doesn't show in my iMac's finder windows--but then again, neither does my MBA. I haven't bothered to work that in, since it works the other way 'round.
And weird that it doesn't show in my iMac's finder windows--but then again, neither does my MBA. I haven't bothered to work that in, since it works the other way 'round.