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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 29, 2014
On my second 64Gb 6+ and I've come to the conclusion that the flaws are in the design somewhere. This phone is somewhat better than the first one but is still quite a disappointment compared to my 5S that I still use Apple. It could be partly the lack of 3G optimization ( I don't have 4G yet) or some quality control issue but this phone is not very good. Screen is picky as to where you touch it to get it to do something. Video stops and will not restart. And you cannot use the browser again until you reboot. Music starts playing then stops the 5 -10 seconds later restarts whether its cloud or loaded. 5S blows it away for pages to load, at times twice as fast. Sometimes the pages start to load but never finish you have to get out and reload. Apple reloaded firmware and played with the first phone then replaced it after 5 months. I can get out of this phone in November ( one year U/G plan) so I'm hoping the 6S+ is not a dog like this 6+. Anyone else with the same issues?


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
My 6+ has been a dog since day one but Apple have run diagnostics on it, which it passed. I find the screen somewhat unresponsive at times, often finding myself having to press an icon several times before it registers my press. Not a homescreen icon I hasten to add, or any of the letters on the keyboard; it will be something like 'done' or 'back' that fails to register within an app or Safari. I get a couple of springboard crashes per day to the Apple logo, regular Safari crashes and of course nothing stays in memory for more than a minute or two thanks to the insufficient RAM.

The screen is fantastic, as is the battery life and loudspeaker. Other than that, my old iPhone 5 absolutely wiped the floor with it. That phone was responsive, didn't crash and it kept apps & Safari tabs in memory. Overall it was a much better smartphone but of course people will cry "oh but the screen is tiny" and "it doesn't have Touch ID or Apple Pay". Who cares, they're sprinkles of stardust on an otherwise lousy phone. I would much rather have a phone that gets the basics right and the 6+ absolutely does not. Mine isn't faulty as a colleague's 6+ is exactly as bad, plus several people on these forums have complained of the same issues. Roll on the 6S.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
I am betting some will STILL not be happy with the 6S.;)
If it's crap then no! More RAM so that it actually works properly, and less bugs in iOS should see most perfectly happy with the phone. I was perfectly happy with my iPhone 4, and reasonably happy with my i5 other than poor battery life and loose buttons. It doesn't take much to make a decent phone for the price Apple charge.

Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
If it's crap then no! More RAM so that it actually works properly, and less bugs in iOS should see most perfectly happy with the phone. I was perfectly happy with my iPhone 4, and reasonably happy with my i5 other than poor battery life and loose buttons. It doesn't take much to make a decent phone for the price Apple charge.

I made a mistake and should have said that "some" will not be happy no matter what!:p

Go back to your 4 if it was the only one that ever made you happy.:rolleyes:
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Fredo C

macrumors member
Mar 18, 2012
Had my launch day 6 Plus replaced a week ago. The speaker went bad on it. Also had issues with wifi, it was generally weak and sometimes unable to connect at all.

The new one is much better. Hoping it was due to it being an early production phone.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2013
I made a mistake and should have said that "some" will not be happy no matter what!:p

Go back to your 4 if it was the only one that ever made you happy.:rolleyes:

The i4 is outdated now, I'm saying that it was very good at the time. The 6+ isn't very good at the time...
I don't know about you but I expect each new iPhone to be every bit as good as the last one in every single respect, plus better in a few areas. The 6+ isn't even as good as the two generations older iPhone 5 in a couple of *key* areas and for the money charged that's a disgrace. Seriously, my 6+ has felt like a downgrade on my iPhone 5. Sure I love the screen, battery life and loudspeaker but they're candy disguising a poor overall experience. Missing in action and downgraded from the iPhone 5 is the basic smartphone ability to keep a couple of apps and browser tabs in memory, and the fluidity/responsiveness I have come to expect from an iPhone.

If bigger screens, Apple Pay and better gameplay excite the masses so much that they're prepared to excuse a shoddy lack of basic functionality then that's very wrong IMO. If the 6+ was priced considerably less than the iPhone 5 and marketed as a budget phone then I would expect it to perform worse. Sadly I paid £699 GBP for my 64GB downgrade. The bigger screen does not make it an upgrade, if that were the case then we would all have moved to Android years ago. It's a feature and a welcome one at that, but it doesn't automatically make it a better phone than any which preceded it. I could hook up a fancy new monitor to a 10 year old desktop but it wouldn't improve the performance would it?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 29, 2014
My 6+ has been a dog since day one but Apple have run diagnostics on it, which it passed. I find the screen somewhat unresponsive at times, often finding myself having to press an icon several times before it registers my press. Not a homescreen icon I hasten to add, or any of the letters on the keyboard; it will be something like 'done' or 'back' that fails to register within an app or Safari. I get a couple of springboard crashes per day to the Apple logo, regular Safari crashes and of course nothing stays in memory for more than a minute or two thanks to the insufficient RAM.

The screen is fantastic, as is the battery life and loudspeaker. Other than that, my old iPhone 5 absolutely wiped the floor with it. That phone was responsive, didn't crash and it kept apps & Safari tabs in memory. Overall it was a much better smartphone but of course people will cry "oh but the screen is tiny" and "it doesn't have Touch ID or Apple Pay". Who cares, they're sprinkles of stardust on an otherwise lousy phone. I would much rather have a phone that gets the basics right and the 6+ absolutely does not. Mine isn't faulty as a colleague's 6+ is exactly as bad, plus several people on these forums have complained of the same issues. Roll on the 6S.

Yes you have the same issues. I'm pretty sure Apple knows there are issues because I've never had a phone replaced so quickly. This second one is no better which is uncannily unlucky or what. Aside from the great battery life this phone is a dog. The unresponsive screen really drives me, and the locking up is crazy too. The first 6+ was rebooted over 100 times in five months. I may take this garbage back in a couple weeks once the reboots have hit a few dozen.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 29, 2014
I have had the 6+ from day one and it blows my old 5S out of the water in every way. If yours is that bad you maybe need to see about getting it replaced . . .again.

That's probably what I will do. I still have my 5S and I have timed several web loads and the 5S blows the 6+ out of the water on 3G. Quite often twice as fast and it never sits there spinning. 6+ more than occasionally will not even load the page. You have to get out and retry. This may not be an issue if your on 4G but it sure shows me that there are design issues.

Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
That's probably what I will do. I still have my 5S and I have timed several web loads and the 5S blows the 6+ out of the water on 3G. Quite often twice as fast and it never sits there spinning. 6+ more than occasionally will not even load the page. You have to get out and retry. This may not be an issue if your on 4G but it sure shows me that there are design issues.

Yep the difference might be that I am on LTE about 95% of the time. The 6 should still do better so I would have it checked out.
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