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macrumors 604
Original poster
Mar 11, 2013
I wasn’t exactly sure where to put this thread, but I’ve seen a lot of “Why do you need an iPad when you have an iPhone 6” threads and this one is kind of the opposite.

I recently upgraded my 4S to a 6, and despite the fact that I like it much better I’ve actually found my iPhone usage declining since Apple’s Continuity implementation. I used to browse the web on my old 3.5” screen, but even now with a 4.7” screen I prefer my iPad 3. I used to my iPhone as my primary gaming machine because it was closer to a hand held Nintendo device (which was as “hard core” as I ever got) but even I’m finding that I prefer playing game on my iPad’s larger screen. Even games that’ve I played for years on my iPhone are starting to seem too small.

Now that I can call and text through my iPhone from my iPad and use my iPhone’s LTE (new carrier plan) I’ve found that my iPhone can sit idle all day unless I go somewhere and even then I might take my iPad.

Have any of you noticed a usage shift from your iPhone to your iPad?
Also, this is the first time that I feel I could go 3/4 years with my iPhone 6 and just updated my iPad in it's place. I'd love to have a faster device than the iPad 3.
I've noticed the opposite. Since I upgraded from my 5s to my 6+, I haven't even touched my iPad. I really don't know if I'll be buying another iPad, but I do know that I'll continue upgrading my iPhones.
Also, this is the first time that I feel I could go 3/4 years with my iPhone 6 and just updated my iPad in it's place. I'd love to have a faster device than the iPad 3.

It could be because you have a 6 not 6 plus.
I use my pc and Android tablet a lot more because my 6+ reloads web pages so readily. Not fit for purpose when it comes to browsing and form filling etc.
It could be because you have a 6 not 6 plus.

I mean, I don't know, but I really don't think so. I take my ipad to school and take notes with it and I read a lot (400+ pages) of PDFs. A larger screen is much nicer for that. But even causal things like web browsing. I think a 9.7" 4:3 display would be nicer than even a 5.5" 16:9 display because sites are either too wider or tall and skinny.
No way even my 6 Plus is going to replace my iPad Air cellular. Each has their own purpose to me and I can not imagine doing my business without either. Just the ability to use Excel is reason enough, the 6 Plus is great but still too small of a screen to replace my iPad.
Yosemite doesn't run terribly smoothly on my late 2011 MBP. I am reading of quite a few complaints in those regards. I would say it's because it's a 3+ year old machine, but windows 8.1 runs very nicely even with a game often running in the background.

My point is that I just don't fine myself using OSX right now, so continuity has me doing almost nothing with it.

We have an iPad mini that just doesn't get used. To me it's never as convenient as a device that is almost always in my pocket. I have always been this way. I can see my usage shifting somewhat at home if/when Apple makes some performance adjustments to yosemite. I still don't see myself not using my 6 plus a lot though. It gets most of its use outside the house because, aside from sleeping, I spend most of my time outside the house anyway.


I mean, I don't know, but I really don't think so. I take my ipad to school and take notes with it and I read a lot (400+ pages) of PDFs. A larger screen is much nicer for that. But even causal things like web browsing. I think a 9.7" 4:3 display would be nicer than even a 5.5" 16:9 display because sites are either too wider or tall and skinny.

I do a to of reading on my plus (many comics) and am more than happy with it. As mentioned, I have a mini, and it is just not as convenient. If I were still in school (I guess technically I am, but not in a place where I am carrying a backpack or bookbag anymore) I can see throwing an iPad in there as "not much work". For me, it is just downright less convenient in every sense to carry yet another piece of hardware. I am also the guy who can not wait to have his ID, all credit cards, and even his car lock/unlock/start all be done by his phone; I always know where my phone is, but that is not the case with wallet, keys, brain.... lol.

Anyway, everyone has their preferences. The iPad is obviously wildly popular (I know this isn't an iPad thread). I was one of the guys who said I didn't see the point in an iPad. For the most part, I still am (in terms of my personal use, of course).

I think Apple, in general, has done well marketing these devices. Plenty of people here state that they have their iPad for couch web surfing because the exerience is better. To me, dropping $400 or more for a device to web surf on the couch with simply makes no sense. That said, upgrading an iPhone yearly (which is something I do) doesn't make sense to some others either.

TL;DR: To each his own :p
No. If anything I use my iPhone more than any of my iPads. If I want to do some quick web browsibg or check Facebook etc I'm more likely to reach for my 6 plus at home. My iPads have more specific use cases, ie watching videos, reading comics and magazines and playing games.
I use my 6+ a lot more now than any other iPhone before it and my iPad 3 sees far less usage, mainly due to the speed difference. My iPad usage is very casual so I don't feel like dropping $850 on a new one.
I use my 6+ a lot more now than any other iPhone before it and my iPad 3 sees far less usage, mainly due to the speed difference. My iPad usage is very casual so I don't feel like dropping $850 on a new one.

I'm only buying the air 2 as I want more storage as my windows laptop is on its way out and at the moment I'm not interested in buying another computer as I don't really use it. 99% of my computing needs I do on my iPhone or iPad. I use the 6 plus a hell of a lot more though.

I'll get the air 2 in 128 GB and probably buy a MacBook pro later on in the year.
After the frustrating tiny iPhones of the past I'm thrilled with my iPhone 6 Plus!

Usage has skyrocketed as I'm so hyper mobile, traveling domestically and internationally monthly, a smartphone is an ideal tool for my needs.

Finally Apple caved in to obvious public demand and created a proper size iPhone:)
My iPhone usage has actually increased with the 6 Plus. When I had a 5S I didn't really watch much video on it. Now with the 6/6 Plus the iPhone is finally big enough to make video watching practical. The incredible battery life makes it go all day long too.
I never owned an iPad and never will. Macbook Air 11 inch suits my work. And now it's aided by an iPhone 6 plus for some work aspects along with entertainment.
I'm only buying the air 2 as I want more storage as my windows laptop is on its way out and at the moment I'm not interested in buying another computer as I don't really use it. 99% of my computing needs I do on my iPhone or iPad.

That's one of the biggest gripes I have with my current iPad (even more than speed). The 128GB option wasn't available at the time and I like my iPad to double as a portable TV. With 8GB of music, 2.5GB of apps, and 19GB of apps, there isn't much room left on my 54GB (capacity) device for TV shows.

They both have situations where one is more appropriate to use than the other.

I use my iPad more too.

I'm surprised there haven't been more answers like this going by the love I see in the iPad forum, but since this was about reduced iPhone usage I thought it fit best here.
I have to say my iPhone usage only increased which the purchase of my iPhone 6 plus, not decreasing. I have a rMBP, (among other Macs), and a rMini iPad. I used the iPad quite a lot, but now that I have a larger iPhone, its being used a lot more and the iPad a lot less.
I've actually started reading some eBooks on my 6 (something I wouldn't have dared to try with my 4S), but I don't think it will totally replace my iPad air, no. Have music and other stuff on my phone (64GB), whereas I only have photos and books on my air (a 16GB model) and it's not even to the halfway point yet.

It's all about individual usage cases/patterns/habits etc and those vary in some cases I'm sure there will be a shift away, others not so much.
I'm surprised there haven't been more answers like this going by the love I see in the iPad forum, but since this was about reduced iPhone usage I thought it fit best here.

Ehh, you're in the iPhone forum, where some don't even own an iPad. :p.

I think a lot of people buy something new, and then immediately start doing everything on it, and so that's why you have all these posts about using things less and less. They worry too much about not having access to something when they're using something else.

That's why I've tried to keep my usage balanced. I really don't like being the person with the phone in their face all day long.
I've actually started reading some eBooks on my 6 (something I wouldn't have dared to try with my 4S), but I don't think it will totally replace my iPad air, no. Have music and other stuff on my phone (64GB), whereas I only have photos and books on my air (a 16GB model) and it's not even to the halfway point yet.

It's all about individual usage cases/patterns/habits etc and those vary in some cases I'm sure there will be a shift away, others not so much.
My first ebook reader was the iPhone 3G. Since getting an eink reader in 2010 I won't read on any LCD based device. It's funny what you condition yourself to because back in 2009 I was perfectly happy reading on the 3.5 inch iPhone screen. However you are right though we all have individual use cases for our devices.
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