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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 11, 2014
Two days into tracking data on the iPhone 6, with MyFitnessPal integration, all steps data and other data has disappeared from the HealthKit dashboard, including the diet data from MyFitnessPal. Clicking Me hangs the app currently.:mad:

Has anyone experienced this? It reduces confidence in this as an essential component of the iPhone experience.

OS version: 8.0.2

Edit: An iPhone Reset fixed the issue, so apparently it's some sort of stability issue, not a bug per se.
Last edited:


macrumors regular
Jun 17, 2008
Two days into tracking data on the iPhone 6, with MyFitnessPal integration, all steps data and other data has disappeared from the HealthKit dashboard, including the diet data from MyFitnessPal. Clicking Me hangs the app currently.:mad:

Has anyone experienced this? It reduces confidence in this as an essential component of the iPhone experience.

OS version: 8.0.2

Edit: An iPhone Reset fixed the issue, so apparently it's some sort of stability issue, not a bug per se.

Yes I just noticed that myself. i will reset mine to see if it comes back


Mine data also came back after resetting


macrumors 6502
Jul 19, 2011
The reset fixed my steps and flights counter. I was also using my fitness pal. Glad to have the flights thing back. Interesting to see those hills converted.


macrumors 6502
Mar 13, 2011
West TN
Posted this in another thread, myself. Hard reset the phone and data was back. Lost previous dietary data from MFP though. Just buggy at the time and not much we can do I suppose.
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