Is it normal? It really bothers me even in transparency mode when I have the AirPods Pro in my ear and nothing is playing. Does one get used to that or is it always going to feel that way?
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Thank you for posting this.
This is EXACTLY what I hate about all in-ear headphones and I'd wondered if something about this design had eliminated it (venting/transparency, etc)
These will have no choice but to be a hard pass for me with this report.
I literally can not stand what you're describing.
I don't experience what OP is describing at all, in case that matters to you
In my experience, it seems to be hyper subjective based upon the person.
Those of us susceptible to it seem to experience with basically all earphones of this type of design.
It's a major bummer
That’s impossible lol, I asked 3 other people I know in person that got the AirPods Pro and they all know and experience exactly what I’m describing.I don't experience what OP is describing at all, in case that matters to you
That’s impossible lol, I asked 3 other people I know in person that got the AirPods Pro and they all know exactly what I’m describing.
That’s impossible lol, I asked 3 other people I know in person that got the AirPods Pro and they all know and experience exactly what I’m describing.
How are you not experiencing it when your ears are literally PLUGGED to a Vacum with the AirPods Pro. With the mode set to OFF it’s unbearable. With Noise canceling there is a very loud echoing hum. With transperancy it’s fine but I can hear my walking. Keep in mind this is with the AirPods in the ears and nothing playing. If I’m playing content then it’s not noticeable as I’m paying attention to the content I’m playing and not the silence.Not impossible at all. Like turbineseaplane mentioned, "it seems to be hyper subjective based upon the person" and I dont experience it at all.
How are you not experiencing it when your ears are literally PLUGGED to a Vacum with the AirPods Pro. With the mode set to OFF it’s unbearable. With Noise canceling there is a very loud echoing hum. With transperancy it’s fine but I can hear my walking. Keep in mind this is with the AirPods in the ears and nothing playing. If I’m playing content then it’s not noticeable as I’m paying attention to the content I’m playing and not the silence.
I assume this exact issue also exists with the PowerBeats Pro, yeah?
I have not experience this noise with the PBP's at all, even when going on out runs. Haven't gone out for a run yet with the Airpods Pro but plan to later today.
The key is - do you know what we mean?
It's possible it's not something you notice or that bothers you anyhow..
Yes, I believe the terminology is "microphonics". When the physical sound of the earphones and/or cable is heard in the ear canal.
This was a big deal in finding appropriate running headphones before truly wireless came out. Even the Bluetooth headphones with both sides connected was a big issue since the cable would bump on the back of my neck/head.
Hmm - interesting. I'm not sure that's what bothers me.
What I'm thinking of is I think more of a pressure related thing of the air trapped in the ear..
It's not cable related or "rubbing" or anything.
It's literally the sound of my own body impacting the ground - however/whatever is transmitting that.
Unless you already are, try using a larger tip, which would give you a bit more cushion between the soft and hard part of the tips.
I don't have either model, mainly because I've seen/heard enough that "yep - problem still a problem for me".
I don't have either model, mainly because I've seen/heard enough that "yep - problem still a problem for me".
When the holiday return window starts, maybe I'll try them on a flyer, but not optimistic based upon what I'm hearing (due to this specific issue).
I'm probably just going to look for a deal on some Gen2's to replace my Gen1's which are nearly toast (battery).
For outdoors/working out, I actually still use wired B&O Earset 3's
At the gym I even still use an iPod shuffle! (gasp! - lol)
This is one thing that drives me insane about the disposable nature of AirPods.
My B&O's I've had for like 10 years maybe? I would have to go look it's been so long..
And they just keep working and sounding great.. It's very nice..
This problem is actually pretty much eliminated with noise canceling on.Uuuuuu...
Thank you for posting this.
This is EXACTLY what I hate about all in-ear headphones and I'd wondered if something about this design had eliminated it (venting/transparency, etc)
These will have no choice but to be a hard pass for me with this report.
I literally can not stand what you're describing.