This has bugged me for a while:
My watch reports an idle heart rate in the low 60s, but whenever I check it myself (not doing anything else, still sitting about like a lazy bum) it says it's in the low 70s. Is the idle record unreliable, or is it likely that simply turning my wrist to view my watch raises by heart rate by 10bpm? Given that when "idle" I was usually working at a computer that actually involves much arm movement than using my watch I'm inclined to suspect the former. Anybody else find this?
My watch reports an idle heart rate in the low 60s, but whenever I check it myself (not doing anything else, still sitting about like a lazy bum) it says it's in the low 70s. Is the idle record unreliable, or is it likely that simply turning my wrist to view my watch raises by heart rate by 10bpm? Given that when "idle" I was usually working at a computer that actually involves much arm movement than using my watch I'm inclined to suspect the former. Anybody else find this?