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Sep 18, 2020
I use AT&T and thinking about getting an iPhone 11 – if I buy directly from Apple - is there a difference between buying an iPhone tied to AT&T (without installments) or “connect on my own later” options?

Will my nano sim work in an unlocked phone (will I have the same plan/number). If the phone is tied to AT&T will there be bloatware – or the same as an unlocked?

I use AT&T and thinking about getting an iPhone 11 – if I buy directly from Apple - is there a difference between buying an iPhone tied to AT&T (without installments) or “connect on my own later” options?

Will my nano sim work in an unlocked phone (will I have the same plan/number). If the phone is tied to AT&T will there be bloatware – or the same as an unlocked?

The only difference is that the iPhone you get from Apple will be unlocked.

One of the requirements that Apple imposes on the carriers in order for them to sell the iPhone is that there must be NO carrier branding on the device. So, there will be no bloatware on any iPhone you purchase no matter what carrier you buy it from.

From the iPhone 5 onwards, iPhone uses the nanosim. So, a simple matter of taking it out of your old phone and putting it in your new iPhone.
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So no difference between a full price AT&T phone and a connect on your own later phone? Do both phones register the IMEI with AT&T?

No Apple branded car chargers?

So no difference between a full price AT&T phone and a connect on your own later phone? Do both phones register the IMEI with AT&T?

No Apple branded car chargers?

The one big difference, the iPhone you purchase from AT&T is locked to AT&T network whereas the unlocked version from Apple means you can use it on any cellular network. You will have to contact AT&T to get the IMEI registered with AT&T for the unlocked version. The AT&T phone will come with a SIM card, the unlocked version does not come with a SIM card.

Apple does not supply a car charger in the iPhone 11 box. In fact there is no charger the comes with the iPhone 11. It only comes with the phone, SIM removal tool and a Lightning charging cable.
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The one big difference, the iPhone you purchase from AT&T is locked to AT&T network whereas the unlocked version from Apple means you can use it on any cellular network. You will have to contact AT&T to get the IMEI registered with AT&T for the unlocked version. The AT&T phone will come with a SIM card, the unlocked version does not come with a SIM card.

Apple does not supple a car charger in the iPhone 11 box. In fact there is no charger the comes with the iPhone 11. It only comes with the phone, SIM removal tool and a Lightning charging cable.
I would just add that you aren't obligated to use the SIM that a carrier iPhone will come with (AT&T in your case). Right now, in my iPhone 11 Pro Max, is the original SIM card that T-Mobile gave me for my 6s+ in late 2015. I've used it in that 6s+, transferred it to a Pixel 3a XL for a year and a half and then transferred it to my 11PM a year ago.

I've done the same thing with the SIM cards for my other family members and their phone upgrades.
Apple does have its MFi-certified accessories program. You can see a lot of the items on the Apple accessories pages. The prices are generally going to be higher than comparable non-MFi products. You do have to be careful with buying things on Amazon that incorrectly claim to be MFi certified and are not. Companies like Belkin, Mophie, etc. are going to spend the extra money to get their items through the programs.

I always prefer to buy my iPhone from Apple if I'm doing to pay outright and buy the carrier-free version.

iPhone 11 does not have 5G if that makes any difference to you. If you live in an urban area, the 5G networks are getting better. If you are going to hold onto the iPhone a long time, you might consider one of the 5G models.
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Apple does have its MFi-certified accessories program. You can see a lot of the items on the Apple accessories pages. The prices are generally going to be higher than comparable non-MFi products. You do have to be careful with buying things on Amazon that incorrectly claim to be MFi certified and are not. Companies like Belkin, Mophie, etc. are going to spend the extra money to get their items through the programs.

I always prefer to buy my iPhone from Apple if I'm doing to pay outright and buy the carrier-free version.

iPhone 11 does not have 5G if that makes any difference to you. If you live in an urban area, the 5G networks are getting better. If you are going to hold onto the iPhone a long time, you might consider one of the 5G models.
Good points. I would also add that you can trust Amazon Basics products. They are MFI certified. Been using their cables and other things for years and never a single issue. The work well.

Oh and I am not employed by Amazon nor do I own Amazon stock ?
Thanks - very helpful. So non-branded phone would require a trip/call to AT&T to fully setup (IMEI) - not a big deal I guess and would allow me to use it on another network if I switch. I assume that non-branded phones have the same antennas as branded and they would work with non-sim dependent carriers like Verizon?.

Not familiar with MFI certified - I'll look into it. I was just curious why Apple didn't make car chargers as they make many other accessories for phones.
Thanks - very helpful. So non-branded phone would require a trip/call to AT&T to fully setup (IMEI) - not a big deal I guess and would allow me to use it on another network if I switch. I assume that non-branded phones have the same antennas as branded and they would work with non-sim dependent carriers like Verizon?.

Not familiar with MFI certified - I'll look into it. I was just curious why Apple didn't make car chargers as they make many other accessories for phones.
All iPhones for a while now have had all the required antennas in one package. There was a time that you had to get either a GSM or a CDMA iPhone depending on the network you were using, but that is no longer the case. It doesn't matter at all, but neither phone is "branded" except Apple. The only thing about your iPhone that would tell you it was purchased through AT&T is the (temporary) carrier lock.

Two answers to why Apple might not make a car charger:

CYNICAL: There's no money in it, I guess
LESS CYNICAL: Apple may not feel they can bring anything to the table as far as usability that isn't available from other providers.

MFI is simply "Made For iPhone." Devices that are MFI certified have been submitted to Apple and gotten their confirmation that it works with the iPhone, that it's secure, that it's not invading privacy, that it's not going to break your phone, and that the company's check didn't bounce. ;)
Thanks everyone for your help!! Apple newbie here ?. According to Apple website a carrier specific one time payment iPhone is unlocked (same as connect later). Choosing ATT with one time payment - the phone will arrive with new sim and IMEI registered for me. Last time I switched phones at ATT (Windows to Android) they charged me to register the IMEI, etc. Not saying this will happen again but why not save the trip and have Apple do it.

Will my new iPhone be unlocked?​

Nearly all iPhone models sold on and at the Apple Store are unlocked. This means they aren’t tied to a single carrier. The exception is when you buy an iPhone with an AT&T Installment Plan. It will be tied — or locked — to AT&T.

Your iPhone will be unlocked when you:
  • Choose any carrier and select One-time payment.
  • Choose any carrier and select Apple iPhone Payments.
  • Purchase a SIM-free model. This is like any other iPhone, just without a carrier nano-SIM card.

Your iPhone will be locked when you:
  • Choose AT&T as your carrier and pay with an AT&T Installment Plan.
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AT&T will charge you an activation fee if you buy an AT&T-specific iPhone direct from Apple. However, I have had success (though admittedly in the past) in getting the fee waived by contacting AT&T and simply requesting the fee be waived. They've done this "as a one-time courtesy" for me - twice.

You can also avoid the activation fee by buying a SIM-free iPhone direct from Apple, and moving your current AT&T nano-SIM to the new iPhone. This can only be problematic if your current Android does not have VoLTE support. Otherwise, the change should be seamless.
I spoke with Apple chat and they claim no fees (at least on their end)? Thanks for the heads up - will take a quick visit to ATT to confirm - they are pretty close. You just never know who your going to get (perhaps a different phone is considered an upgrade).

Your Message: I think so. The website says carrier specific phones with one time payment are unlocked - which is similar to connect on your own? I believe ATT would charge me for registering the IMEI whereas that's included with Apple?

Agent's Message: All the iPhone is unlocked except when you pay the new iPhone through AT&T installments Plan.

Agent's Message: You don't need to pay any activation with AT&T once you choose the AT&T carrier.

Agent's Message: There are no activation fees on existing lines.
The activation fee of $30 is applied when activating a new line of service or upgrading your device.

Agent's Message: Sound good?
"The activation fee of $30 is applied when activating a new line of service or upgrading your device. [emphasis mine]"

You will be upgrading your device, so the $30 "upgrade fee" will apply. Here's how my conversation with AT&T CS went, back when I bought my 7 Plus direct from Apple (as an AT&T phone, not SIM-free), replacing my 6 Plus:

Me: "My FAN account says I get free activations. Why did I get charged an activation fee?"

AT&T: "That wasn't an activation fee. That was an upgrade fee because you upgraded the phone on an existing line"

Me: "Can't you waive the fee anyhow, as I am a long-time customer who's never missed a payment?"

AT&T: "Please wait." (Several minute pause) "Okay, as a one-time courtesy, we are waiving your upgrade fee."

To replace the 7 Plus, I bought a 12 Pro as a SIM-free phone direct from Apple. I simply moved the SIM card from the old phone to the new phone. It was totally seamless, and the new phone activated instantly. And, of course, no upgrade fee from AT&T.
Thanks!!! Lots of great feedback. I plan to buy outright - since the phone is unlocked anyway (no installments) - wouldn't it be easier to have Apple register/activate it? I can swap the sim myself - but what about the IMEI - is that automatically registered when I start using the phone or do I need to visit ATT store to register (as mentioned above)?

My employer offers a government discount package - I believe the activation and upgrade fees are waived.
It will be automatically updated when you go through the Apple setup and registration process with your ATT SIM in it. The new iPhone process is pretty straightforward.
Thanks!!! Lots of great feedback. I plan to buy outright - since the phone is unlocked anyway (no installments) - wouldn't it be easier to have Apple register/activate it? I can swap the sim myself - but what about the IMEI - is that automatically registered when I start using the phone or do I need to visit ATT store to register (as mentioned above)?

My employer offers a government discount package - I believe the activation and upgrade fees are waived.
You do not need to register an IMEI with AT&T - that happens automatically when the SIM card makes initial contact with AT&T.

However - if you're sure that your employer's "Signature Program" includes activation fees, then there's no advantage to getting a SIM-free phone from Apple. You might as well get the AT&T "version" from Apple and avoid the inconvenience (and for klutzes like me - danger) of moving the SIM card over.
Get it unlocked. I always buy the unlocked version, either through Apple's own website, or through places like Swappa. It will also make it much easier to sell down the road when you want to replace it because the phone will work with any carrier so you'll have more potential buyers.
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