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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 31, 2012

I have a serious problem.....

My iMac recently was frozen with a spinning beachball at the login window....I had to switch the machine off. Upon restarting, the computer was very sluggish, hardly reacted to anything and it took ages (many minutes) until it even got to the login window. After logging in, all that appeared was an empty desktop and a spinning beach ball.

I made a USB installation disk and booted from there - disk utility did not find any problems so I decided it would be best to reinstall OS X.

Now something strange happened - the installation crashed after some time with an error message and a log file (stupid me didn't copy it). This has never ever happened to me before.

Tried once more - installation process just stalled in the middle and nothing happened.

So - what else can I do? Anything else I can try before I go to the Apple store?

Machine is a 2014 27" iMac with Fusion Drive.

Run Hardware Diagnostics. It's likely a hard drive failure of either of the two drives, but you never know.

You could try breaking up the Fusion Drive too, and see if OS X can be installed on either of them - If one is broken the other should work fine.
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