I cannot get the files to open with the latest OpenOffice or TextEdit. I've been doing some research into how to convert them and came across a product called MacLinkPlus from Data Viz, but I cannot find it on there site and assume that it may have been discontinued. My forum searches here have yielded no results. Hoping someone might be able to point me in the right direction.
Thanks much!
Hey, I'm only five years late with this, but here's the answer for the archives. MS Works 3.0 for Mac was a great, small, stable product — I used it for 20 years, keeping archaic Macs running to print dot matrix labels. All sort of acceptable things come to an end though. Here's how I converted last night...
1. In MS Works 3.0 do a SAVE AS of your database file, scrolling down to SAVE AS TEXT (I believe that's the wording). Be SURE to rename the file with the suffix .txt
2. Get your archaic text file off your old mac and onto your new one.
3. Start your new program (I did this both in Excel — which for some bizarre reason MS expects Mac people to use for databases — and in a somewhat dated version of Filemaker Pro).
4. Select OPEN and navigate to the new file. Be sure that ALL FILES are enabled on the open screen and select TAB DELIMITED text.
5. Whoosh, that should do it. Drawback being that in Filemaker every imported cell with a comma in it will be surrounded by quotation marks — which I haven't been able to figure out how to make go away short of manually removing them. I reckon that's another question to be asked and answered by someone smarter than me.
If Microsoft made a new version of Works for Mac, I would buy it tomorrow. And I hate Microsoft.