Last week my late 2012 iMac was running slow and generally not working well, I erased the hard drive to reinstall a fresh copy of Mac OS but somehow messed up the erase (Reading online I think the fusion drive somehow split), I ended up with no operating system and when I turned my iMac on there was just a question mark. I followed some info online about repairing a split drive using terminal and somehow managed to get the original (2012) operating system installed and then updated to the latest version, although it is running now (not great still) I think the fusion drive is not correct?
Can someone who knows how these things work please take a look at the provided images of the drives and tell me if all is correct or have I still messed something up??
Thank you,
Can someone who knows how these things work please take a look at the provided images of the drives and tell me if all is correct or have I still messed something up??
Thank you,
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