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macrumors 604
Original poster
Dec 29, 2006
dallas, texas

I don't know when this started, but I can no longer download on my mac. I don't know when this started because I haven't tried to download things in a while, but I can download in windows via parallels, which is annoying, really annoying. The only interesting thing is i had a trial of Speed Download and I can't download in the following browser, which is all that I have tested:

I will try Camino when I finish downloading it.

I don't know of this is Speed or something else, but i haven't folled around with anything recently so...???
He's probably downloading it through windows.;)

To the OP: Have you tried rebooting your mac?

Oh and something in Speed Download could've messed up your downloading prefs. Try reinstalling it, and then make sure you un-check browser integration or whatever before trashing/uninstalling Speed Download.
Yes, I am downloading through windows.

I will reinstall Speed, although my trial is up so, I'm not sure how that will affect everything and my Mac has been rebooted and shut down numerous times, and has been used on two networks.

Camino failed as well.
So... Nothing downloads? Not even say camino itself or firefox? What error message(s) pop up? What happens when you click on a download link?
So... Nothing downloads? Not even say camino itself or firefox? What error message(s) pop up? What happens when you click on a download link?

No error messages, nothing downloads, it just sits there as if it is connecting, i tried to download Camino in OSX, here's what firefox displayed on the bottom:

connecting to
waiting for

UPDATE, Acquisition gave me this message, it was speed, apparently when i removied Speed, I didn't fully remove, even though I was pretty sure that i followed the instruction pretty closely.

Anyway. If anyone has this with Speed, it's probably this, Speed unfortunately is known to be very (how do I say this nicely) spreading like a virus and intrusive to OSX?


I had the last two, so the method of using Finder and Searching for Speed and deleting-doesn't work
Next time when uninstalling anything that plugs into other programs, I recommend using a program called AppZapper. It automatically searches for and trashes all the files associated with the program you want to uninstall. I had speed download before, but I uninstalled it properly I guess. Follow acquisitions instructions, navigate to those folders and delete those files manually and see whether it works or not. BTW have you tried reinstalling and then uninstalling it again?
Worked for Meh

I did he exact same thing with speed download. I tried to do what darkcurse recommended but found that I couldn't download Speed Download again. In an attempt of desperation I searched my finder for "Speed Download" and all i got related to the app was a plugin which I deleted and I was fine. I can download again! :D

- Search for "Speed Download" in finder
- Delete the Plugin
- Go in browser and see if you can download again.
I have got exactly the same problem, and I found SpeedDownload which is an expired demo.

I tried running Speed download uninstaller, and the program and it's uninstaller is still there, still opens like before, and all that appears in the trash at the most is:
install_tool, speed download hosts, speed download queue.plist, and uninstall_tool.

Next, I tried moving the Speed Download app to the recycle bin, and flashed up an error msg with error code -61.

Then I downloaded the AppZapper demo with my PC onto a memory stick. Then I taken the memory stick to my mac.

I opened it up, then I dragged the 'speed download' application to the appzapper window, and clicked 'Zap'.

It had only deleted some aux. files, but not the actual application, so it didn't work either. Speed download can still open like before.

What else can I try? :confused:

Edit: What I was doing above was inside the read-only plugin.
I've opened the plugin, then dragged the program folder into the applications folder (overwriting an alias of the plugin as it had the same name); found it in the applications folder; deleted it again using AppZapper like above, but not read-only this time; draged the plugin (that appeared on the desktop) to the recycle bin; restarted the computer, and I can download again! :D

For those who does not exactly know what a plugin is - it looks like the icon that appears when you plug in a memory stick, but this one for Speed Download is coloured brown rather than white. When you open the plugin, a program intro folder pops up with the application (in this instance, a folder) and the applications folder you find on your mac.
Hello everyone, sorry I am new and I found this forum with a google search. I have the same problem. I cannot download anything. The download starts in finder but after few kb it doesn't progress.
I tried to search for Speed Downloader, as I have read on this post, but I don't have anything related to it, but to log files.
Any other idea?
Thanks in advance
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