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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 26, 2012
not sure if its my Mac or my internet or what but its driving me up the wall.

downloaded the first public beta, as I have done with previous OS. installed fine. it says im on 20A5343j which I think was called public beta 3?

when public beta 5 came out, I tried to use the software update to update and 3 times it downloaded the whole lot from scratch and id get this

Screenshot 2020-08-28 at 08.26.05.png

then someone suggested using terminal, to avoid it downloading agin, so using softwareupdate -ia

every time I did that it would start, not from the beginning, not from the end, but always from 15%

and id get

Failed to download & prepare update: Error Domain=SUMacControllerError Code=7723 "[SUMacControllerErrorPreflightPersonalizeFailed=7723] Failed to perform PreflightPersonalize operation: [MobileSoftwareUpdateErrorDomain(MSU):MSU_ERR_PACKAGE_FAILURE(29)]" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x7f9a4ef08d40 {Error Domain=MobileSoftwareUpdateErrorDomain Code=29 "Package signature invalid." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Package signature invalid.}}, SUMacControllerErrorIndicationsMask=0, NSDebugDescription=[SUMacControllerErrorPreflightPersonalizeFailed=7723] Failed to perform PreflightPersonalize operation: [MobileSoftwareUpdateErrorDomain(MSU):MSU_ERR_PACKAGE_FAILURE(29)], NSLocalizedDescription=Failed to personalize the software update. Please try again.}

when beta 6 came out I thought, this will fix it as it'll not be the same file. it was different as different sized, but I got the same, or id get a long progress bar with no info.

so I thought I need to download the whole installer, so using the app store I downloaded the latest beta. 12. 6gb.
except it was nearly finished when I went to work and when I came in from work its like its stuck.

Screenshot 2020-09-16 at 16.06.23.png

its now been like that for hours. I dont want to quit in case it restarts from the beginning.

any ideas appreciated
So the weirdest thing

as you can see from above I’ve tried over and over to install the update. It’s been nearly two weeks so there’s been lots of time for it to fix itself.

by this time I’d given up. I’d turned off automatic updates as I didn’t want it repeatedly downloading 8gigs and failing. I figured it was only going to be fixable when GM came out.

this morning there’s a message saying an update is available, restart now ?

And it’s fine now. Let’s see if it gets the next public beta :)
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