I’m trying to find a suitable AA battery charger and it’s doing my nut in.
I need
- a U.K. charger.
- for two or four AA batteries (not C, D or 9V, it needs to be compact).
- mains powered, not USB.
- no LCD display, they are pointless. LEDs are fine.
- independent charging circuit for each battery.
- overcharge cut off.
- slow charging, 4 hours plus charging time. I don’t want to send my batteries to an early grave.
I have an Apple charger and it’s useless. I have to re-seat the batteries 20+ each time before they make contact. ‘Yes’, all the contacts are clean. It was a common fault with them and was extensively moaned about in reviews on their website.
This would have been ideal https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-POWER...005128ARW/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 but it’s no longer in production.
This would have been okay too https://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-BQ-CC17KSBA-Advanced-Individual-Indicator/dp/B00JHKSLM8?th=1 but they don’t make a U.K. version.
I need
- a U.K. charger.
- for two or four AA batteries (not C, D or 9V, it needs to be compact).
- mains powered, not USB.
- no LCD display, they are pointless. LEDs are fine.
- independent charging circuit for each battery.
- overcharge cut off.
- slow charging, 4 hours plus charging time. I don’t want to send my batteries to an early grave.
I have an Apple charger and it’s useless. I have to re-seat the batteries 20+ each time before they make contact. ‘Yes’, all the contacts are clean. It was a common fault with them and was extensively moaned about in reviews on their website.
This would have been ideal https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-POWER...005128ARW/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 but it’s no longer in production.
This would have been okay too https://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-BQ-CC17KSBA-Advanced-Individual-Indicator/dp/B00JHKSLM8?th=1 but they don’t make a U.K. version.
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