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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 5, 2022
How do I get the new version of Apple Music to stop adding every song I favourite to my library?
It's making my music library super messy with single songs being added the whole time.

I really preferred to have my 'liked' songs seperate with a smart playlist (and also to help the algorithm understand my music tastes) and then my library is far more curated where I add full albums and artists that I actually listen to.

This new update is not great as my library is getting mad confusing and hard to navigate with dozens of songs added.

They even changed the 'recently added' tab to show a far more limited amount of recent additions, which is a bad update since I used to enjoy scrolling my entire library to find the artists I've added to my library chronologically to me adding them.

Weird changes which really don't make sense to me and feel counter intuitive to a good user experience.
A better way would have been to add a new tab for 'favourites' or 'liked' songs as well as the new favourites button in the player and call it a day.


macrumors 6502
Dec 29, 2006
Wait until the next update that’s already in beta right now which will give you the option to not have them added to your library. Not sure if the public beta already includes it if you wanna try it, but it shouldn’t be too long before it is out. I just stopped using the favorites feature until then.
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