Hi! I need help! I have a PowerBook G4 that is stuck on the grey screen with the annoying little spinning gear thingy. We have had this computer for a few years and it worked fine for awhile, then all of a sudden it would not connect to internet and kept saying "IP address not valid" or something like that and so we set it aside and didn't use it. Then, yesterday, I decided to try and get it to work so I looked around on line and someone suggested to turn the firewall to accept all feeds or something like that (and then turn firewall back as it was) and it worked!!! I was soooooooo excited!!!! Sooooo, of course after not having been on line for a year there were a ton of updates, 9 in all I believe, and so I did the updates, and now my computer will not boot up!! It just sits on the grey screen with that damned spinning gear!!! I have tried a few things I saw suggested on other threads, such as starting in safe mode or whatever, and some fsck thing, but nothing has worked. I have unplugged it, restarted it, nothing works!! I can't remember what all the updates are, itunes, safari, quicktime- can't remember anything else. I think this computer has ox (is that what it's called?) Also, I do not have any disk to restart the computer, as my brother-in-law gave us the computer when he upgraded the computers in his office. We have used it as an extra computer, and now that my ten year wants to be online ALL the time, we really would like to get it working. As you can tell, I am totally NOT computer techy-savy!!! I was so excited when I got the internet to work again and now this
Any ideas??