"interestingly enough the users in control panel does not show my old user account
but the files are still there in the finder - so now to manually make the new user account like the old I guess.... "
Here's how I'd do it:
You will need some kind of EXTERNAL drive large enough to hold the user account (home folder). It can be either an external hard drive or even a USB flashdrive if that's large enough.
Then, do this:
1. Copy the home folder (the one you're having a problem with) to the external drive. Just "drag it and drop it" onto the external drive's icon.
2. Observe -- does everything get copied over?
3. If yes, close all folders on the external drive, so that only the drive icon is visible in the finder.
4. Click on the external drive's icon ONE TIME to select it
5. Now type "command-i" (eye) to bring up the get info box for the external drive.
6. At the bottom of get info, click the lock icon and enter your password (the one for the new account that you're logged into)
7. In "sharing and permissions", put a check into the box "ignore ownership on this volume".
8. Close get info.
You can now copy anything from the OLD home folder into the new one, and anything you copy over will come "under the ownership" of the NEW account.
CANNOT COPY the "main subfolders" from the old account to the new one.
By "main subfolders", I mean the folders named Documents, Downloads, Library, Movies, Music, Pictures, etc. These are "more than just folders", I believe they are symbolic links and cannot be moved from one home folder to another.
CAN COPY files and folders that are INSIDE OF these folders.
That means that you could open the "Music" folder on the old account, select a number of files inside, and then "drag and drop" them onto the icon for the Music folder in the NEW account, and they will "go right in" and then become usable there.
Some (actually quite a bit) of "manual work" is going to be required.
I suggest you get a pencil and paper and keep notes as you go.
The following may also work:
I believe you can even copy the entire iTunes folder if you wish, REPLACING the iTunes folder in the NEW account. ITunes will have to upgrade the folder once you do this, but it should work.
Same for iPhoto/Photos. You could drag and drop the Photos library from the old account into the Pictures folder, and let it "replace" the "new" one. Again, updating may be required.
It's also possible to copy over stuff from the home/library folder, but some things will work, and some things may not.
There are LOTS of subfolders and files inside.
Experimentation will be necessary.
Don't do this all at once. Do it a little at a time, check after moving a few things, then go back and move more.
Hope this helps.