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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 8, 2015
Running latest OS on newest iPad Mini. Links barely work - best I can describe is when I tap a link, the target page almost launches....then I get bounced back to the previous page, or linked page fails to load, or if it does load it jumps to the bottom of a thread (if it's a forum page) and/or disables the back button. Sometimes takes four or five taps to load a page from a link. Tap....bounce...tap...bounce....tap....bounce...tap...bounce...tap....success!

Or...if I do make it to the target page, when I try to back to previous page, I'm taken back up to the top of the page and lose my place (particularly annoying for news sites). So then I have to scroll back down to where I was and....tap...bounce...tap bounce. It's gotten so bad that my workaround is to load new pages in the background.

Any idea as to what's going on?



macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 8, 2015
OK, well, wiped/reset the iPad and that seemed to work.

So....that's exciting You guys have been a great audience! Tip the wait staff and drive safely. Good night!
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