I set my dns to my router address and entered as an alternate. I do this with all systems on my LAN.
So I finally connected, but there are still two issues with the set up. One, I can’t connect with actual URLs because of some http issue with macweb. But I’ve seen others use macweb with URLs in the search bar so I’m lost on this issue. I have to connect via public ip addresses. And two, I’m concerned for the health of the Asante EN/SC. It works fine and is in good condition but being so rare it makes me uncomfortable keeping it on 24/7. Should I unplug it when not in use or leave it on? It doesn’t have a power switch so I assume it’s supposed to stay on like a router or cable modem.
Anyways just for some enjoyment and satisfaction here’s the 33 year old Mac running on a 5 mbps connection to the web. Surprisingly usable despite all the Java and css problems. Loads a full google search in about 20 seconds.