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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 15, 2005

Where the WiFi sign usually appears,
I have had now for some time an
empty sign, if you will. When I click
on it, I read the following:
"WiFi: No hardware installed"

What does it mean, and how can I
fix it ??

Thank you very much in advance,
kind regards,

igmolinav : ) !!!


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 15, 2005

Thank you for your answer : ) !!!

It is a MBP from early 2011. Yes,
at first it was random for about
two weeks and then it has had
a permanent effect. It all happe-
ned when I started to use the
internet for two months, at a
location different than mine.

Kind regards,

igmolinav : ) !!!


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 15, 2005

Yes, it happened some two years ago!

If you think that, that is the problem,
then I'll just wait a bit to get the extra
RAM I just ordered and then go to the
Apple authorized repair service and
ask for it to be cleaned in the inside,
for the airport card to be tightened,
and for the new RAM to be installed.

Thank you, kind regards,

igmolinav : ) !!!

P.S. It got a bit of dust into it, as it
fell on a carpet.
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