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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 26, 2014
Just throwing a question out there,

Wondering if anyone has heard of an app that can hide half of your phone. I guess to explain a little better...I heard someone talking about an app that allows you to have 2 passwords, 1 password unlocks your phone and shows all your apps and contacts..etc. The second password, also unlocks your phone, but shows hidden stuff on your contacts appear as they normally would, except you can have ones on there that dont show up with the first password. So if you have someone in your phone that you don't want everyone to can hide them with this app, and they will only appear when you type that second password in to unlock your phone. Has anyone ever heard of this?

Thanks for any help


macrumors 68000
Dec 22, 2008
Just throwing a question out there,

Wondering if anyone has heard of an app that can hide half of your phone. I guess to explain a little better...I heard someone talking about an app that allows you to have 2 passwords, 1 password unlocks your phone and shows all your apps and contacts..etc. The second password, also unlocks your phone, but shows hidden stuff on your contacts appear as they normally would, except you can have ones on there that dont show up with the first password. So if you have someone in your phone that you don't want everyone to can hide them with this app, and they will only appear when you type that second password in to unlock your phone. Has anyone ever heard of this?

Thanks for any help

if this doesn't have "I'm looking to cheat on my significant other" written all over it, I don't know what does. If you heard someone talking about it, then why didn't you go ask said person?


macrumors 68030
Mar 6, 2008
if this doesn't have "I'm looking to cheat on my significant other" written all over it, I don't know what does. If you heard someone talking about it, then why didn't you go ask said person?

This was my first thought, too, but really, I can see having a "Professional, I can use this at work" password and a "I'm on my own time, so I don't have to worry about NSFW" password.


macrumors 68000
Dec 22, 2008
This was my first thought, too, but really, I can see having a "Professional, I can use this at work" password and a "I'm on my own time, so I don't have to worry about NSFW" password.

sorry but exactly what is a professional? anyone with a job can be called a professional. and why would you want to hide any apps and contacts from your job? I can think of no reasonable scenario.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 15, 2012
Not just that but it's a good idea for kids. I don't want my kids accessing my apps. I would prefer to pick certain apps for them to use.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 18, 2014
Not just that but it's a good idea for kids. I don't want my kids accessing my apps. I would prefer to pick certain apps for them to use.

Yes! I would love that, no worries about deleted apps or missing notifications. I've never heard of anything like this though.


macrumors 68040
Jul 1, 2008
Bostonian exiled in SoCal
Reminds me of an NPR story I just heard on spyware installed in smartphones by stalkers. The spyware app hides itself within the phone so that the victims never know it's there.


Anonymous Freak

macrumors 603
Dec 12, 2002
Some Android devices can do this - with multi-user Android. For example, one login for parents (shows "office" type apps, games that aren't appropriate for the kids, etc,) and one login for the kids that only shows "kid appropriate" apps.)

Or have separate users each have access to their own email/bookmarks/etc, rather than everyone sharing one.

So there are legitimate uses for it. But I don't know of any "real" solutions for it for iOS, only Android. (And Android L brings it to phones, too - prior versions only support it on tablets.)


macrumors 6502
Dec 20, 2013
Raleigh NC
I don't believe this is even possible on iOS. Even if an app was created it would never be approved by Apple through the App Store. I do remember reading about a jailbreak app that was in development or possibly released that added a "guest" account to create almost a separate login.
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