MacBook Pro Retina Early 2012
8GB of RAM
Upgrade to High Sierra
Memory Used: 7+GB
Swap Used: 4GB
Memory Pressure: Yellow->Red
Switching tabs would cause delay and be unresponsive.
Upgraded motherboard to 16GB version (because the ram is soldered onto the board)
Memory Used: 7.5-11GB
Swap Used: 0GB
Memory Pressure: Green
Everything normal.
My computer was borderline unusable with 8GB of RAM on High Sierra because the OS would try to swap 4GB to the disk. With 16GB, OS feels fine, like it felt with regular Sierra. For reference, my use case is browsing the web with multiple tabs and using Office Suite; Not exactly the most demanding power user.
If you don't have at least 16GB of ram with High Sierra then you are going to have a bad time.
8GB of RAM
Upgrade to High Sierra
Memory Used: 7+GB
Swap Used: 4GB
Memory Pressure: Yellow->Red
Switching tabs would cause delay and be unresponsive.
Upgraded motherboard to 16GB version (because the ram is soldered onto the board)
Memory Used: 7.5-11GB
Swap Used: 0GB
Memory Pressure: Green
Everything normal.
My computer was borderline unusable with 8GB of RAM on High Sierra because the OS would try to swap 4GB to the disk. With 16GB, OS feels fine, like it felt with regular Sierra. For reference, my use case is browsing the web with multiple tabs and using Office Suite; Not exactly the most demanding power user.
If you don't have at least 16GB of ram with High Sierra then you are going to have a bad time.