I recently upgraded my FiOS router to the new G3100 model and I'm enjoying superior coverage. However, the internet plan we have is apparently kinda crap. I thought 75/75 Mbps was fine but apparently I'm a dinosaur and still living in the stone age. My plan is NOT up to par. Between gaming consoles, smart tv's, home security devices, iPads, laptops, etc, we have a significant number of devices connected at all times. So on Monday Verizon is coming to upgrade us to Gigabit Internet.
Look at me! I'm crawling out of the primordial ooze and beginning to walk upright!
Our old Verizon wireless modem was weak. Coverage from room to room carried from mediocre to non-existent. To compensate I repurposed some Apple AirPort base stations and spread them around the house, creating a secondary network. It works well and has always been faster than simply connecting to the standard Verizon WiFi network. I may leave it in place for now and see how it works with Gigabit Internet. I'll use a Verizon WiFi extender if my secondary setup can't handle the new speed.
Look at me! I'm crawling out of the primordial ooze and beginning to walk upright!
Our old Verizon wireless modem was weak. Coverage from room to room carried from mediocre to non-existent. To compensate I repurposed some Apple AirPort base stations and spread them around the house, creating a secondary network. It works well and has always been faster than simply connecting to the standard Verizon WiFi network. I may leave it in place for now and see how it works with Gigabit Internet. I'll use a Verizon WiFi extender if my secondary setup can't handle the new speed.