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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 5, 2014
Has anyone out here been able to get home sharing to work with their family members?
I get as far as loading members but only if I add their password but then it lists them as an adult
When I send an invite the invite never reaches them
I'm trying to setup where I am the main member and the other members would need to get authorization for purchase of apps/music/etc
Do the other members need to be on iOS8 as well?
Thank you


macrumors 68000
Jul 9, 2008
cherry point
Has anyone out here been able to get home sharing to work with their family members?
I get as far as loading members but only if I add their password but then it lists them as an adult
When I send an invite the invite never reaches them
I'm trying to setup where I am the main member and the other members would need to get authorization for purchase of apps/music/etc
Do the other members need to be on iOS8 as well?
Thank you

Yes they do
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