I have home sharing turned on in ITUNES and i upgraded to IOS 8.4 and now there is no way to access my ITUNES library in the music app, still can access shared videos through that app but not music in the new music app
In the Music app, I would have assumed to tap Artists on the top middle. If your Mac is on with iTunes open, you should see your Home Shared library listed there, but it's not. I tried to toggle on and off in iTunes. No dice. I did notice that the verbiage when turning this on says 'between your Macs'...not sure if it always said that, but as of right now I don't see any way to find a shared iTunes library in the iOS Music app. HmmmI have home sharing turned on in ITUNES and i upgraded to IOS 8.4 and now there is no way to access my ITUNES library in the music app, still can access shared videos through that app but not music in the new music app
So it is a known issue that remained unresolved
Good catch going into settings. After doing some digging, I've noticed also that the Home Sharing mention on Apples website is now only showing an option for Videos on iOS devices. I can't find any mention of Home Sharing your music anymore. I really hope they haven't removed this entirely. Although I suppose if you are paying for Apple Music, this would make Home Sharing your iTunes library for music pointless, as your entire library is already there...but even still. That's always been a nice little feature to utilize!I was just about to start a new thread about this. I cant seem to find it either. And if you goto settings > music there is no Home Sharing login like the video app has and the music app used to have.
Send feedback to Apple asap.
EDIT: BTW its the same on the iPhone.
I think you're right...on the Apple website I just linked above, I noticed the page was modified (wait for it...) June 30th. All mentiones of music are gone, and they specifically only list Videos now. Bummer!!! No problem if you're using Apple Music, but if your not - this was a REALLY great feature in the home! At least it's still available for aTV.I hate to say it but that seems like a push to get Apples paid music service out rather then delay it because of an oversight. Sigh....
I think you're right...on the Apple website I just linked above, I noticed the page was modified (wait for it...) June 30th. All mentiones of music are gone, and they specifically only list Videos now. Bummer!!! No problem if you're using Apple Music, but if your not - this was a REALLY great feature in the home! At least it's still available for aTV.
AppleTV also didnt get updated (at least when I checked last night). Someone at Apple probably said "Look with the iPad and iPhone people can load their music onto the device but if he do this to the ATV it will render it near useless"....
I don't usually mind updates even if I don't use the new features however this is the first time I wish I wouldn't have updated. IF (big if) we are lucky this will be fixed with the next update.....IN NOVEMBER! Ugh!
I hate to say it but that seems like a push to get Apples paid music service out rather then delay it because of an oversight. Sigh....
I think it's safe to say that Home Sharing for iOS Music is dead now...unless droves of us write in and request the feature back, it only makes sense to quietly remove the option. I'm sure many people weren't using it or didn't know it existed, so they figured they could kill it off since Apple Music now fills the void.
Once you sign up, you don't need to wake your computer and launch iTunes to then access your iTunes Library from your iOS devices, since your entire library is now available in the cloud. It's always on your iOS devices, wherever you are. Also they've removed all traces of Music from the support article, basically only leaving video.
For anyone not subscribing though, or hasn't yet...this feature is now only an option if you've got an Apple TV. I can confirm it still works on aTV. Wouldn't be surprised to see a future update with the aTV supporting Apple Music though. I doubt Home Sharing is going anywhere for aTV, or video for iOS. As far as music though, guess we have to start our free trials now!
I totally agree with you! Not sure if you saw, but our threads about this ended up making the front page of MR and various other sites. I have a strong feeling it's dead, unless many, many of us personally take the time to email Tim and Co. I'll definitely be dropping a note, for sure. I don't think they thought many people utilized the service, and assumed Apple Music would just fill the void anyway.Apple Music and home sharing need to coexist like iTunes Match and home sharing did since one doesn't have anything to do with the other. Sure if you are an American that only likes fairly mainstream music AND you are willing to pay Apple to buy the music THEN you are willing to pay the subscription to share that music between device then it might work for you.
A large portion of my music isn't on iTunes (local bands, foreign, records). So Match was and Apple Music is pretty much useless to me.
I'm still going to assume this was just an oversight of some sort since Match has been around for years with home sharing. How is this going to work in foreign markets where Apple is pushing their products now? Why buy into the Apple hardware if you are forced to use Google services?
To be honest, I've found that iTunes Match at $25/yr proved to be an incredible investment. I've got a Mac, Phone and iPad...as well as other various iOS devices in the family. Match allows me to share that entire library no matter where you are, at the click of a button. Up to 25,000 songs and I (believe, not positive) 5,000 that don't match. 100,000 coming to iOS 9. That's the price of two albums per year to access your entire library across all devices, regardless of where you are.Typical of Apple under the PC Cook. No one bothered to warn that upgrading to IOS 8 would pretty well trash your iPod 2 and to get any type service you would need to buy a new iPad. Now if you upgrade to IOS 8.4 you must upgrade at the new gimmick for $14.xx a month to get home sharing. The new Apple isn't like the old Apple
I totally agree with you! Not sure if you saw, but our threads about this ended up making the front page of MR and various other sites. I have a strong feeling it's dead, unless many, many of us personally take the time to email Tim and Co. I'll definitely be dropping a note, for sure. I don't think they thought many people utilized the service, and assumed Apple Music would just fill the void anyway.
Also, I'm not sure if you're aware, but with Apple Music (Just like Match) you're still able to upload songs that don't match with what iTunes has available for sale. I forget the limit...I believe it's up to 5,000 unmatched songs.
I'm with you still thoug...I would love if this came back. It's extremely useful even if you DO sub to Apple Music...those other devices in your household for example would still be able to share the library.