I have several Wemo and Hue devices hooked up in my home. Two nights ago, one of my Hue bulbs in my Living Room lamp kept turning on randomly. It happened about 8 times that night and is the first time it has ever done that. I ended up turning the lamp itself off and back on and it seemed to stop since it did not happen last night. None of my other Hue bulbs had any issues.
Last night, a fan in my bedroom, hooked up to a Wemo plug, kept randomly turning itself off. This happened about 5 or 6 times throughout the night. None of my other Wemo devices and Switches had any issues.
I don't think anyone hacked my Hue, since I don't even have out of home control turned on, I handle that through Homekit, and it would be a little weird for devices on two different systems (Wemo and Hue) to have been hacked at the same time. The only really common thread would be Homekit. Has anyone seen any weird behavior like this with Homekit?
Last night, a fan in my bedroom, hooked up to a Wemo plug, kept randomly turning itself off. This happened about 5 or 6 times throughout the night. None of my other Wemo devices and Switches had any issues.
I don't think anyone hacked my Hue, since I don't even have out of home control turned on, I handle that through Homekit, and it would be a little weird for devices on two different systems (Wemo and Hue) to have been hacked at the same time. The only really common thread would be Homekit. Has anyone seen any weird behavior like this with Homekit?