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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 18, 2011
Washington, DC
Today I updated all my devices to the latest and greatest, iOS 15.4, with various HomePods and AppleTV updating as well.

Until post update, my HomeKit devices worked by saying the room & the device name. For instance: “Hey Siri, turn on the Living Room Lamp”

Today, after I updated to the latest versions of iOS, HomePodOS, etc, when I say ”Hey Siri, turn on the Living Room Lamp” results in Siri turning on the Lamp in the basement. It seems like the “room” aspect of HomeKit doesn’t work for voice commands. All devices work fine from the “Home” app…

If I say “Hey Siri, turn off the Bedroom Lamp” she responds with, “Sorry, I couldn’t find anything like that in the bedroom in Trik’s home”

Is anyone else having trouble with this, I’m going crazy!
I'm having the same problem, even the same name of the entity that I'd really like to be able to control!
I saw some threads from about 2 years ago (early 2020) about pretty much the same problem, but the generally accepted solution (change the entities name, then change it back) hasn't worked for me.
I'm having the same problem, even the same name of the entity that I'd really like to be able to control!
I saw some threads from about 2 years ago (early 2020) about pretty much the same problem, but the generally accepted solution (change the entities name, then change it back) hasn't worked for me.
Same for me, hasn't worked. And the release notes on the most recent version of HomePodOS specifically mentioned this issue, so I was hopeful that would fix it, but it really hasn't.

HomePod Software Version 15.4.1​

Software version 15.4.1 addresses an issue where some HomeKit-enabled accessories could fail to respond when controlled via Siri. This update also includes bug fixes for your HomePod.

"Hey Siri, turn off the living room lamp" No longer works.
"Hey Siri, turn off the lights in the living room" Does work.

The problem is, I have multiple lights, and sometimes I only want to interact with one of them. It's very annoying.
I try to keep it simpler and I’ve had better results. There is a a delay but no longer than a few seconds with an initial response from Siri like, “just a sec.” It’s a shame because it used to be almost instantaneous.

Instead of:
“hey, Siri, turn the bedroom lights off” or “turn off the bedroom lights”

“hey, Siri, bedroom lights off.”

Less dialogue, less chance for Siri to vomit on herself.
I'm having a similar issue. Not exactly sure when it broke, but pretty sure it was working for a bit after 15.4.

In my case, I have a scene named "Arrive Home", which was one of the default/auto-suggested ones I added. (This scene is used by a "When Anyone Arrives Home" automation, but that should be irrelevant here.)

When I wanted this scene to be active, I used to be able to say "Hey Siri, I'm home" and she'd turn on my lights...but now she just responds with "Welcome home" or "Indeed you are". To get that scene set, I now have to say "Hey Siri, arrive home".

My parents have the same lights and I set up their scenes & automations exactly the same as mine, and "Hey Siri, I'm home" is still working for them. They are also on the latest iOS version.
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