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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 3, 2007
(Hope this is the correct thread to post in) Submitted to macrumors but maybe you guys can help get the ball rolling. My friend and I worked for three solid weeks on a "working" iphone costume. Our iphones connect directly to the costume. Here's a photo and video of the suit. Let me know what you think.



HD video:


Thanks guys,
savio (biggest apple fan in the world)
Hasn't this been done before?

Yes, back in 2007.

And to the OP, "fully working" implies the touch controls work... So I doubt it is "fully" working ;)

But props for building these kickass costumes! And risking your LCD televisions! Looks like you put a lot of work into them. Hopefully you don't run into any kids who think those boxes are full of candy :eek:
Jeezus, how much do those costumes weigh?

Around 85 lbs... we have a car battery between our legs lol sucks but worth it.

Yes, back in 2007.

And to the OP, "fully working" implies the touch controls work... So I doubt it is "fully" working ;)

But props for building these kickass costumes! And risking your LCD televisions! Looks like you put a lot of work into them. Hopefully you don't run into any kids who think those boxes are full of candy :eek:

Well "working" sort of.. lol

Hasn't this been done before?

We are the same guys that made the first LCD iphone costumes two years ago. Just now its improved :)
Geez... Talk about multi-posting. It's times like these where I get really peeved that I got a warning or write-up or whatever it would be call on here for ONE multi-post when I first started posting to these. Mod edited my posts into one too. I get so bummed that I have that warning on my profile still. :(

Anywho, the costumes are okay. I guess, since I do not love the iPhone, I do not love the costume. :p I bet they are a lot of work though.
Why no round corners?

The plan was to create the shell out of fiberglass (smooth look, corners everything) even had the mold ready to go but we ran out of time after the first few layers and came up with a plastic shell last minute. I know... I wish it had smoother edges. I'm a super big perfectionist. I think the one comment about it resembling a "zune" was kind of an insult lol. haha

My favorite part is that you can play music, games, videos, even call without any problems with the output. The 2007 model was only a looping video off a video ipod. This years model is a big achievement in iphone costume making. :)
Around 85 lbs... we have a car battery between our legs lol sucks but worth it.

Well "working" sort of.. lol

We are the same guys that made the first LCD iphone costumes two years ago. Just now its improved :)

Wow, quite a lot of work you did. Very cool!

Geez... Talk about multi-posting. It's times like these where I get really peeved that I got a warning or write-up or whatever it would be call on here for ONE multi-post when I first started posting to these. Mod edited my posts into one too. I get so bummed that I have that warning on my profile still. :(

Anywho, the costumes are okay. I guess, since I do not love the iPhone, I do not love the costume. :p I bet they are a lot of work though.

Yeah really. I used a Flight of the Concords joke once, saying, "too many 'dudes' on the dance floor" and I got written up for "insulting other members". :confused::confused:
So i there a writeup anywhere on how you two did this? I'm mainly interested in getting the video out to work. Links?
So i there a writeup anywhere on how you two did this? I'm mainly interested in getting the video out to work. Links?

Me too! I just want to know how you output the video from the iPhone to the screens! Please show us! Loving the costumes btw :D
how did you mirror the iphone screen?

I want to be able to hook my iPod touch to a 10inch screen
Pretty cool! :)

At 85 pounds, that must get heavy after a while.

Yeah... It does. Friday night I wore the costume for an hour and half strait.

Damn. I was working on a fully-functional Motorolla DynaTAC costume, but you guys had to one up me.

ahh the old bricks... thats actually not a bad idea for a costume. lol ...Kick it old school :)
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