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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 18, 2010
I've been reading lots of reviews of HomePod, but haven't seen any talk about how HomePod can be integrated into scenes in HomeKit. Is there any word on this yet?

Specifically, I'm wondering if you can make a HomeKit scene trigger HomePod to play a particular playlist, station, or song. It would be awesome to have an automation that says "when I arrive home after sunset, play x playlist on shuffle" or some such thing.


macrumors newbie
Dec 4, 2017
I hope we will be able in another update or with the Homepod. Just installed ios11.3 beta, now Apple TV4 is in the Homekit app. When you hit the Apple TV button, it turns on the music (my ATV is connected to my Google home). Music start playing but TV stays off. And we cant do any scene with the Homekit. I want the exact same thing, a scene with a selected playlist that will start with the music. Hope Apple will fix that


macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2010
I don't think it's available yet. I'd love a 'dinner time' scene which dims the lights and puts some Jazz on the HomePod. Perhaps this will come with an update.
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