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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 3, 2014
Out of nowhere a line appeared across my monitor and won't go away. It's a horizontal line about 1/4 of the way up from the bottom of my monitor.

I've had this iMac since '09 and haven't had this issue before. I was just sitting here and all of a sudden it appeared.

Tried restarting/shutting down and it didn't go away. The line was there during the shut down process also (blue screen) and when you start up the computer.

Anyone know how to fix this? :confused:


edit: when I take a screen shot it doesn't show it.

Robert Davies

macrumors 6502
Jul 28, 2011
People's Republic of Wrexham
Out of nowhere a line appeared across my monitor and won't go away. It's a horizontal line about 1/4 of the way up from the bottom of my monitor.

I've had this iMac since '09 and haven't had this issue before. I was just sitting here and all of a sudden it appeared.

Tried restarting/shutting down and it didn't go away. The line was there during the shut down process also (blue screen) and when you start up the computer.

Anyone know how to fix this? :confused:


edit: when I take a screen shot it doesn't show it.

It's the infamous iMac Horizontal lines issue:

I kid you not - just put these words into google 'imac horizontal lines on screen'

In short it is a hardware problem with the iMac that can only be fixed by replacement of the part concerned, either the entire logic board - V. expensive - or if possible on your model of imac, the display card - less V expensive.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 3, 2014
It's the infamous iMac Horizontal lines issue:

I kid you not - just put these words into google 'imac horizontal lines on screen'

In short it is a hardware problem with the iMac that can only be fixed by replacement of the part concerned, either the entire logic board - V. expensive - or if possible on your model of imac, the display card - less V expensive.

Thanks, figured it was a card issue but wasn't sure.

Right now there's only 1 very thin line that is showing up. Will it continue to get worse and more lines will start to appear soon?

Robert Davies

macrumors 6502
Jul 28, 2011
People's Republic of Wrexham
The fault is permanent. It will almost certainly get worse, how the symptoms present whilst doing so is anyones's guess - Assume that the next time you switch it on, the screen will be dead, and any time from there on that it is not dead will be a bonus.

Yes it can be that random. Make sure your backups are up-to date.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 3, 2014
The fault is permanent. It will almost certainly get worse, how the symptoms present whilst doing so is anyones's guess - Assume that the next time you switch it on, the screen will be dead, and any time from there on that it is not dead will be a bonus.

Yes it can be that random. Make sure your backups are up-to date.

Oh wow, didn't think it would happen like that. I guess it's time to get a new one. This one lasted about 5 years.


Robert Davies

macrumors 6502
Jul 28, 2011
People's Republic of Wrexham
I apologise for the doom and gloom! :)

It may last weeks or months, but I really did want to instill a sense of urgency.

It really could fail the next time you switch it on.

That said, if you're ok with a screwdriver and can work methodically, and your machine is one of those in the takedown guides at - I'd have a go at fixing it myself - if it's out of warranty/Applecare, you haven't got much to lose, but you can learn a lot, and possibly save a pile of cash into the bargain.

Something to consider at least.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 3, 2014
I apologise for the doom and gloom! :)

It may last weeks or months, but I really did want to instill a sense of urgency.

It really could fail the next time you switch it on.

That said, if you're ok with a screwdriver and can work methodically, and your machine is one of those in the takedown guides at - I'd have a go at fixing it myself - if it's out of warranty/Applecare, you haven't got much to lose, but you can learn a lot, and possibly save a pile of cash into the bargain.

Something to consider at least.

Well I bought a new one. I'll check out that site though and see what I come up with. Thanks again!
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