The Pixelbook and Surface Laptop are two dramatically different are they,and how is chromeOs?
I wonder if the new pixelbook is a good choice of for the same price you can get surface laptop
hmm and surface laptop can;t run linux? i mean from store point of view, pixelbook is better right? google play has a lot more apps than microsoft store on 10S ?
Has anyone installed CodeWeaver's CrossOver for Android on their chromebook yet?
Thanks for the correction. I installed it on my Acer R11. When attempting to install a Windows app, it failed to parse the Windows app installer. This installer worked fine in WINE under Linux and macOS so, I'm chalking it up to a bug in CrossOver for chromeOS. I'll see if I can submit a bug report to them to help them troubleshoot the issue.It looks like it's for ChomeOS not Android so I'll give it shot tonight I've got some .exe's around here
Excellent! How much of an impediment is it for you that the chromeOS filesystem is separate from the Android filesystem (except for the Download folder)? I find it to be a bit of an irritant.I'm really impressed with the Samsung Chromebook Pro - Intel m3, 4GB/64GB, pen, running Chrome OS and Android apps. Solid, fast, doing everything I need for under $500. Macbook Air is rather dusty.
None at all for me, I use the cloud and a 500 GB Samsung T5 SSD for files (great for movies using Android VLC). The Chromebook chromeOS and Android system both use the external drive exFAT directory and files; and internally is showing 45GB free.Excellent! How much of an impediment is it for you that the chromeOS filesystem is separate from the Android filesystem (except for the Download folder)? I find it to be a bit of an irritant.
Chromebooks will be getting Linux apps soon I read which is pretty big.
How so? Linux is hardly awash with high quality apps that end-users are craving.
Linux is a full fledged OS. For one, the app Rhythmbox is a decent alternative to Google Music / iTunes. Gimp is also a decent free alternative to Photoshop. You could say MacOS is pretty limited too compared to Windows. ChromeOS is just a web browser but to be fair that's all many people need these days. May also be able to run Windows apps too using the Linux app Wine.
Most of that junk on Linux has been around since Red Hat Linux was still distributed freely (a long, long, long time ago), and it has hardly advanced at all in a decade. GIMP is not a Photoshop alternative.
Chromebooks are viable for people who can do most of their work in a web browser. Progressive Web Applications may also help bridge some of the gap. I believe what little is distributed on Linux these days is wrapped in non-native frameworks like Electron, which is terrible for performance and battery life on laptops. I imagine PWA's will suffer many of the same problems. Bottom line - Linux isn't going to make much of a difference for people buying into Chromebooks in terms of apps.
This isn't bashing Linux btw. There's very little happening on Windows anymore either in terms of development. Microsoft is pretty much giving up and shifting Windows to maintenance mode and refocusing on cross-platform productivity, cloud, enterprise and hoping to capture some of the internet of things market that everyone expects to explode soon.
macOS is pretty much the only traditional computing platform that still has a vibrant and thriving indie development scene, but how long this lasts is a question mark also. I still believe the future of Mac is iPad.
Linux is just more capable than ChromeOS and will be a nice addition. I don't think you can even watch a DVD on ChromeOS let alone rip one. Linux has much more gaming potential than ChromeOS especially with retro emulators. I find Linux very enjoyable compared to MacOS and Windows without nagging you to update the software every few days. It's also much more secure although who knows how nefarious Google is.
Well I definitely agree it's more capable. I just think you should pick Linux if you want Linux apps, and do your Chrome stuff in the Chrome browser on Linux. It'll be interesting to see how Google offers Linux apps on ChromeOS if they do go through with it.
Works very well, IMO.How well does flash player run on a chrome book.
I don't understand this question.Would it work with an ipad?
You can't "install" icloud on the chromebook, but you CAN access the web version of iCloud. This is how I get access to my iCloud files.Could I use install icloud on a Chrome book?