Naked since launch day in 2014. iPhone 6+ only has minor scratches on the corners. No big deal for 1.5 years of using the iPhone in all its beautiful glory
It's really interesting to read this kinda stuff, because back in the days before I bought iPhones, I never used to bother with cases at all. (I mean, let's face it, by the time they ever got scratched up, they were usually out of date, and never technology came out for the later current models, so it was often just time to get a new phone anyway.)
However, back then, phones were simpler, and you could pick them up for about a hundred bucks or less, so it really wasn't such a big deal. However, as iPhones are so well made (even though I know they're robust enough that they would probably withstand alot more wear and tear, knowing what they cost, I seriously wouldn't even dare to carry it around without a case. That being said, as another poster on here pointed out, even being in a case doesn't guarantee that they won't still take damage from time to time. (I learnt this the hard way when my 5S fell face down on the hard bathroom floor and broke the screen. (it was in a case aswell, but the glass still shattered everywhere due to it having fell face-first in an open state, and I nearly cried when it happened!)
-Thank god they can repair screens though (which looks and behaves good as new when you do it). That phone still works, and I still use it today! (despite having bought newer models aswell since). -The 5S is still my favorite though due to its size. What's weird though is, even though I own a few iPhones now (as they last so well that it just seems waste to throw them out), but the odd part is that I still seem to find myself wanting the next one each time a new one comes out. But I don't throw the old ones away. I gave my old iPhone 5 to my daughter, and it's still going strong, with not a scratch on it. My other half has my old 5C (which, to be fair, that one has started to show a bit more wear an tear, but nothing major), and I still use my 6 Plus for watching youtube vids or netflix when I'm in bed. But I am starting to wonder how long I can keep this up. I mean, it's cool every time a new feature comes out, but they last so well, that sooner or later I'm probably going to run out of uses for them. But would I still feel like I'm missing out each time a new model comes out with a new feature? Probably. And will I still feel like they're so good and healthy that I just could't bring myself to ever part with the older ones? (probably yes to that too).
However, it's amazing how many uses you can find for all the old ones though. (I've already got plans for what I'm going to do next, like sticking one to my fridge as a convenient "always there" device for writing shopping lists (which due to the way the notes app automatically syncs with all my other apple devices that use the same iCloud account, will mean that my shopping list will automatically be available to me on the device I carry with me when I'm out, so no excuse for forgetting stuff! least, in theory!) lol. Will also be useful as my music player while I'm cooking, and as a kitchen timer aswell. (Only this time, one that I can use without being so worried about touching it with sticky hands when I'm cooking). After that, there's also stuff I've thought about like perhaps having dedicated light switches for my LIFX bulbs, etc. So should be interesting to see where this adventure takes me!
Anyone else thought up any other cool uses for old devices like this? Would be interesting to hear what fun and innovative things other people have tried in order to not send their older devices to their death before they were good and ready.