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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 23, 2019
how bad is it to use 4 numbers as iPhone's passcode?

random example: 0518, which is Tsar Nicholas II's date of birth

if someone can guess a 4-number passcode, isn't it easier and more profitable for them to guess my debit card's PIN#? (the debit card is on the back of the phone case)
It's not bad per se. It's up to you. If you care a lot about the security of the data on your phone, you'll use a longer passcode. Four digit passcodes can be broken.
It's not bad per se. It's up to you. If you care a lot about the security of the data on your phone, you'll use a longer passcode. Four digit passcodes can be broken.

but don't they limit it to just 10 incorrect passcode entries? that's a lot more than 3 tries on my debit card PIN#.

This morning when I allowed my ex-girlfriend to withdraw cash, but forgot to tell her that I was using a new PIN#, instead of the one that she knew about when we were together. :( The stupid new ATM machine also triggered loud sirens and warning lights in front of the bank when she made her 4th attempt. I got out of my car.. and we both were stopped by the bank's armed guard with his Glock pointed at us. :( (it was all good after I showed him my ID, which matched the debit card)
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I still use a 4 digit passcode. I just wish they wouldn't show the 4 little dots.
My passcode is only 4 digits and it’s perfectly safe seeing that there are 10,000 possibilities with and 4 digit passcode
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A common casual iPhone snatcher won't be able to break a 4 digit code if the phone is set to erase after 10 attempts, but more sophisticated cracking methods (using specific iPhone password cracking hardware) can easily crack a 4 digit password fairly quickly.
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A common casual iPhone snatcher won't be able to break a 4 digit code if the phone is set to erase after 10 attempts, but more sophisticated cracking methods (using specific iPhone password cracking hardware) can easily crack a 4 digit password fairly quickly.

When I become the boss of my crime family, I'll be sure that none youse can use just a 6-digit password... and not TouchID, Face ID or any biometric stuff either

perhaps something like Hq%YkD@9

also, disconnect the factory GPS antenna in all cars...
I ALWAYS use a 4 digit passcode. I have no time to waste typing 6 digits and if someone is able to get to my phone and they are able to crack a 4 digit passcode, do you really think they can't crack a 6 digit one?
For piece of mind go with a 6 digit passcode which you will only need when restarting the iPhone or if Face/Touch ID fails out.

However if you are still bent on using 4 digit it's still OK as long as it is somewhat complex and not the usual 0000, 1111, 1234, etc. (I work in IT and you would be surprised at how many times I used these 'common' passcodes and was able to get into devices)
The question is... can someone crack my code faster than I can remote-wipe it once I know it's lost?

But I'm just a normal person. I doubt anyone will take the time to hook my phone to some brute-forcing machine after I left my phone in a taxi.

Unless you're being specifically targeted because you have valuable information on your phone... most of us forum-members don't have to worry about this.
I think it's up to you. But you don't have to worry about the bank PIN because banks are allowing only few tries to input wrong pin numbers. Also, you don't have to worry as there are 10,000 possibilities with and 4 digit passcode.
Four just seems too easy. The extra 2 seconds to use 6/8 shouldn't be a problem.
Not really sure about it being too easy. Easier than 6 or 8, sure, but I wouldn't just call it too easy or even easy or anything like that.
It’s not bad. But there’s a lot less possible combinations than with a 6 digit code.
That's more or less what it comes down to.
How bad is it to discuss how many digits your passcode is on a public forum?
It's not?
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