That depends on the FAN account. Upgrade fees are waived on some corporate accounts but not others.I will call after delivery. FAN accounts are supposed to have that fee waived
They stopped waiving it and even raised the fee by $4 this year -- another way to push you into the NEXT program which is the only way to avoid it.
They are gonna be so pissed when I move over to T-Mobile after the unlocks come out for 6+. Thanks for the subsidy att. Keep my $40 I got $360 of yours
If you switch to T-Mobile, as the previous poster plans to to do, T-Mobile will reimburse you for the full amount of the ETF (but not NEXT fees).Huh? That has nothing to do with the Activation Fee -- they charge Early Termination Fee's as well…
From AT&T Website:
AT&T Early Termination Fee:
Smartphone: $325 minus $10 for each full month you complete under the service commitment
So in order to receive your iPhone subsidized you have to renew the contract for 2 years -- which means if you leave early you get hit with the ETF fee [as well as paying the activation fee]
I've got the money I just don't like paying it for no reason
Will I be charged an activation fee for AT&T if I buy and use the unlocked TMobile model from the Apple Store?