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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 16, 2014
Is there anyway to cap it off, I've tried apps that use alarms but it doesn't work? should i jailbreak my device?
Use wifi more?

I use an app called DataMan that will send me a push notification when I'm close to reaching my cellular data limit. I've only once came near my data limit, and the alert was pretty close to what AT&T told me I had used from my allotted data pool.
You said you used alarms... have them go off for a number of percentages? then when you hit 95%, disable cellular data? Seems like the easiest way...
Is there anyway to cap it off, I've tried apps that use alarms but it doesn't work? should i jailbreak my device?

I use an app called DataMan Pro or you have just DataMan. Both work great to let you know about your usage. Both are reasonably priced and work well. Might be another option for you to look at.
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I have unlimited data so it's not a problem. However, I use Wi-Fi while I am at work or at home. It's how i've been able to maintain using so little data. My fiance same thing and she has only 3GB a month. Wi-Fi is your friend.
I use an app called DataMan Pro or you have just DataMan. Both work great to let you know about your usage. Both are reasonably priced and work well. Might be another option for you to look at.
ill try that fd. i tried my data mr.... but my data resets tom so i didnt really use it. but ill get data man and compare both
uh they both cost money. does it matter if i get pro or just reg?
Jailbreaking will not let you use free carrier data.
The only way to avoid going over your data limit is not to go over your data limit.
Reset the counter every month when your plan resets and keep monitoring your data periodically by going to settings/cellular usage.
Once you're close to reaching your max turn off cellular data and just use wifi.
Or pay for another GB of carrier data.
I have verizon and my data shuts off when i reach my limit. Its not the best because sometimes i run out and i really NEED internet access, but it teaches me to conserve my data and not waste it on stupid things.
If you are consistently going over your limit you need to move to the next higher bucket, I couldn't stand watching the meter all the time.
I typically turn off cellular data when I near my cap and just rely on wifi. I have wifi at home and at my work place so I can live without data for couple of hours when I'm out and about.
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