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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Apr 23, 2013

How do I add extra address lines in Contacts under iOS 7.1.2?

I find two Street lines woefully inadequate.

You can't. What kind of address requires more than two street lines? If you have one (probably rare) I suggest you put it in the Notes section.
Many residents/companies do have addresses that you wouldn't write out on just two address lines if you were labeling a box or an envelope. I've noticed it on some/most of my foreign contacts. Also, businesses in the US often have complicated addresses.

Unfortunately, I end up cramming the info onto the two lines.
Apple's Contacts apps (iOS and OS X) use CardDAV, which is quite flexible IMO for data input. And, keep in mind that if a contact has an Exchange-formatted "card" or an account is an Exchange IMAPI account, your options will be far different (and IMO quite constrained)...

CardDAV has two input "lines" for addresses, but also supports certain radix marks - such as the comma as a field delimiter. Don't think in terms of lines for CardDAV - think in terms of data fields. One can add a field for a "suite" or "office number" by adding a comma followed by the "#" character or "Ste." text string. In the OS X Contact app, the second "line" is effected by typing Option-Enter at the end of the first address "line".

There's lots of other types of input and field delimiters that can be used effectively in CardDAV apps, but I'll leave that all to you.
Just replying to my own thread in case anyone else tries to figure this out.

You can add additional lines (possibly as many as you want, I have tested the upper limit) if you use the OS X Contacts app within Mavericks. Then you can sync this data across to your iPhone/iPad.
Just replying to my own thread in case anyone else tries to figure this out.

You can add additional lines (possibly as many as you want, I have tested the upper limit) if you use the OS X Contacts app within Mavericks. Then you can sync this data across to your iPhone/iPad.

Interesting. How do you do that, Steve?
Interesting. How do you do that, Steve?

Well... it was a pretty old post but you can still do it under Mojave. Just edit the contact and in the address press the return key after each line. You can add as many lines as you need, this syncs across to iOS.
I can sync it via macOS but can't figure out how to edit anything past the second address line. This prevents me from using a more than two-address line contact as a future template for others (duplicating it by sending it to myself).
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