So, I'd like to switch from MS Word to Pages but I have to work with one simple document layout all the time which I have to send other people to work with who only use MS Word. The layout consists of 2 columns, specific page margins and simple Arial text in Size 10. Most of the time I just need to write in one column and leave the other one empty so I just continue writing on the next page in the same column as before. Now I've tried to open one MS Word .docx document with said layout in Pages but end up not having full columns of text but three empty lines at the end before the next page begins. I've tried to tweak and compared (imo) every setting with MS Word, saved the document as .docx but when I open it in MS Word there's always something messed up. I just can't get one single simple document to display the same way in MS Work and Pages. Could anybody help or is there simply no way to make that happen and I have to stick with MS Word? Any help is highly appreciated!