They were about 5 Apple IDs and I don’t know any of them and since 2008, all my apps have been purchased under one apple ID.
I already talked to the Apple center here and they told me it’s not refurbished. I’m really stressed out.
It’s common to have a prompt asking for you to sign into another Apple ID if your backup had anything downloaded from iTunes (Movies, Music, Books, etc) that was from an Apple ID that was different from the one you used to restore your phone.
1) Either someone close to you downloaded an app, movie, song, etc from iTunes with their Apple ID onto your phone so you could benefit from it. Either you forgot or they didn’t tell you how or even that they did it.
2) Another possibility is that you downloaded an app that was signed by an anonymous user from the internet from a third-party service. For example: Installous, former third-party appstore that allowed you to get paid apps for free, would cause a dialog box to appear on your screen asking you to log into the iTunes Store. In that dialog box, the Apple ID field was already filled out with a random, unknown email.
Every time you restore from your backup, the device has to download all the apps and content you previously had. If it determines that the app or content was not signed by the Apple ID you used to restore, it will prompt you for each and every one during the restore process.
I read your post, and I understand you said everything on your phone was all under one Apple ID. But it’s possible (and more likely) you may have forgotten about it since then. It’s easy to tell if this is the case. During the restore and setup process, the phone will tell you why it is asking for the Apple ID. If you blew past the screen and didn’t read it completely or did not understand what it said, this is why it is happening.
Also, if the phone you received was in a white box with no pictures, has the text “Refurbished” on the front, included accessories such as a lighting cable, power adapter, and headphones, then you purchased a “Refurbished” phone that carries a 1-year warranty just like a newly constructed phone does and performs exactly like a new one does too.
If you were given a phone, and only a phone, from a thin, white box, did not get any accessories from the box and had to give back your old phone, you ALSO have either a new or refurbished phone that performs exactly like a new one does. The only difference being that in this case, your “new” phone has a warranty of 90-days or the remainder of the warranty of the phone you gave back, which ever is greater.