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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Nov 26, 2012
In Mavericks I could click on an open window and hold down the mouse button (or trackpad) and drag it anywhere I wanted on the desktop. And to access the Dock I just scrolled down to the bottom of an open page and dock applications icons would automatically appear.

In El Capitan, none of this works. So I am forced to press the Escape key to minimize the current open window so that I can grab it's edge and drag it to move it. I must also press the Escape key to minimize the current open window so that I can see the Dock icons in order to open other programs. Infuriating and time wasting.
You're trying to click anywhere on a window to drag it around? You should be clicking and dragging on the toolbar (gray area) at the top of a window. This has not changed.

If the Dock is auto-hiding (you can change that behavior in System Preferences > Dock), then you move your mouse pointer to the bottom edge of the display (not scroll to the bottom of a window) and wait for it to appear. This has not changed.

What could be messing you up is Full Screen mode. This has changed. If you click the green button on a window, that window goes Full Screen. The Menu Bar disappears from the top of the screen, and the Dock disappears from the bottom of the screen (if it didn't already auto-hide). To take a window out of Full Screen, move your mouse pointer to the top of the display and wait for the Menu Bar to appear. Then, click on the green button in the upper left of the window to take the window out of Full Screen. You may also want to know about Split View. This page explains both:
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