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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 3, 2010
How do i setup duel monitors with FCE so i can see the video in full screen on the second monitor.


Sep 7, 2008
forlod bygningen
Where do i go to find that.

Final Cut Express > Menu Bar > HELP > Manual

The Preview is being opened with the .pdf file attached, then there is a search field (upper right) and voilá.

duel vs. dual

duel |ˈd(y)oōəl|
noun chiefly historical
a contest with deadly weapons arranged between two people in order to settle a point of honor.
• (in modern use) a contest or race between two parties : two eminent critics engaged in a verbal duel.
verb ( dueled , dueling ; Brit. duelled, duelling) [ intrans. ]
fight a duel or duels : [as n. ] ( dueling) dueling had been forbidden for serving officers.
dueler ( Brit. dueller) noun
duelist |-ist| ( Brit. duellist) noun
ORIGIN late 15th cent.: from Latin duellum, archaic form of bellum ‘war,’ used in medieval Latin with the meaning ‘combat between two persons,’ partly influenced by dualis ‘of two.’ The original sense was [single combat used to decide a judicial dispute] ; the sense [contest to decide a point of honor] dates from the early 17th cent.

dual |ˈd(y)oōəl|
1 [ attrib. ] consisting of two parts, elements, or aspects : their dual role at work and home.
• Grammar (in some languages) denoting an inflection that refers to exactly two people or things (as distinct from singular and plural) : Old English has dual number for first- and second-person pronouns.
• (in an aircraft) using dual controls : a dual flight.
2 (often dual to) Mathematics (of a theorem, expression, etc.) related to another by the interchange of particular pairs of terms, such as “point” and “line.”
1 Grammar a dual form of a word.
• the dual number.
2 Mathematics a theorem, expression, etc., that is dual to another.
dualize |-ˌlīz| verb
dually adverb
ORIGIN late Middle English (as a noun denoting either of the two middle incisor teeth in each jaw): from Latin dualis, from duo ‘two.’

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