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Slippery Gimp

macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 2, 2008
Leeds, UK
My contract is up (iPhone 8 Plus) and naturally I think about upgrading, but what do people think when they’re eligible for upgrading at this time of year?

Obviously there’s a new iPhone in the next 5-6 months or so, but do people feel grabbing existing handsets now, with big data allowances for example (from what I can see these are getting bigger now), is a better bet? Just curious.

I can get an XS for £26 a month, or an 11 for £35 a month. I’m tempted, because I’m a bit thrifty these days 🙂

That said I also like new technology, so I’m trying to wait...
My contract is up (iPhone 8 Plus) and naturally I think about upgrading, but what do people think when they’re eligible for upgrading at this time of year?

Obviously there’s a new iPhone in the next 5-6 months or so, but do people feel grabbing existing handsets now, with big data allowances for example (from what I can see these are getting bigger now), is a better bet? Just curious.

I can get an XS for £26 a month, or an 11 for £35 a month. I’m tempted, because I’m a bit thrifty these days

That said I also like new technology, so I’m trying to wait...

If you are focused on being thrifty then rather wait until the new models have arrived, you will get the 11 or 11 Pro at a lower price.
I cant wait for the new phones to come out. I will pass my four month old XS Max on to my wife, and I will grab an 11 Pro Max Certified Preowned. I got my Max for half price, looking for the same deal again!
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I get the newest phone every year. My wife works for one of the big cellular providers so we get a decent discount on our plan. Allows us to upgrade every year. We will both get the Pro Max.
I haven't been on this site in a while. Idk if its the current pandemic or with everything else going on in the world, but apple products have lost their "spark" for me. I have a XS Max that I went and got on the day of release, and bought a used 2016 TMBP and that's it. I sold my iPad a while ago. I just dont see the point in upgrading to any of their products anymore. I've been using bootcamp and have pretty much been on Windows OS since February, only coming back to mac every now and then. Unless there is a major iOS change I will probably only upgrade once my current products start to not work. I said it after I bought my iPhone, but there is no way i'm going to keep giving apple more and more of my money each year while they increase prices.
I’m waiting until the new hardware is released before getting a new phone.
My contract is up (iPhone 8 Plus) and naturally I think about upgrading, but what do people think when they’re eligible for upgrading at this time of year?

Obviously there’s a new iPhone in the next 5-6 months or so, but do people feel grabbing existing handsets now, with big data allowances for example (from what I can see these are getting bigger now), is a better bet? Just curious.

I can get an XS for £26 a month, or an 11 for £35 a month. I’m tempted, because I’m a bit thrifty these days 🙂

That said I also like new technology, so I’m trying to wait...
When Apple released the iPhone 6+ I passed. Antenna lines and camera bump. I passed with the 6s+ as well. Now I ended up owning both of those devices but that wasn't because I WANTED them, it was circumstance.

But I figured the iPhone 7 would be different. It wasn't. The antenna lines left, but the fugly camera bump got bigger. I passed. I passed on the 8, I passed on the X. The camera bump developed into a full on boil. Some of the iPhone models have a bump that looks like Bender from Futurama. Just no.

But, finally, I needed a new phone so I got an Android.

I was seriously thinking of the new SE, but apparently Apple has still decided the camera bump is a feature. So, no new SE for me. If this year's new iPhone still has a camera bump - well I'm still paying on my Pixel so no need.

So, yeah. That's how I feel about upgrading.

And for all the "You're just going to slap a case on it" arguments I know are being formed, I don't use cases.
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When Apple released the iPhone 6+ I passed. Antenna lines and camera bump. I passed with the 6s+ as well. Now I ended up owning both of those devices but that wasn't because I WANTED them, it was circumstance.

But I figured the iPhone 7 would be different. It wasn't. The antenna lines left, but the fugly camera bump got bigger. I passed. I passed on the 8, I passed on the X. The camera bump developed into a full on boil. Some of the iPhone models have a bump that looks like Bender from Futurama. Just no.

But, finally, I needed a new phone so I got an Android.

I was seriously thinking of the new SE, but apparently Apple has still decided the camera bump is a feature. So, no new SE for me. If this year's new iPhone still has a camera bump - well I'm still paying on my Pixel so no need.

So, yeah. That's how I feel about upgrading.

And for all the "You're just going to slap a case on it" arguments I know are being formed, I don't use cases.

When Apple released the iPhone 6+ I passed. Antenna lines and camera bump. I passed with the 6s+ as well. Now I ended up owning both of those devices but that wasn't because I WANTED them, it was circumstance.

But I figured the iPhone 7 would be different. It wasn't. The antenna lines left, but the fugly camera bump got bigger. I passed. I passed on the 8, I passed on the X. The camera bump developed into a full on boil. Some of the iPhone models have a bump that looks like Bender from Futurama. Just no.

But, finally, I needed a new phone so I got an Android.

I was seriously thinking of the new SE, but apparently Apple has still decided the camera bump is a feature. So, no new SE for me. If this year's new iPhone still has a camera bump - well I'm still paying on my Pixel so no need.

So, yeah. That's how I feel about upgrading.

And for all the "You're just going to slap a case on it" arguments I know are being formed, I don't use cases.

Which android phone did you get?
I upgrade every year, on upgrade program so chances are i will be paying less per month as well given the 128GB storage rumours.
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Which android phone did you get?
Pixel 3a XL. It's got a small camera bump and I don't care for it, but in comparison to a lot of the newer phones it's minimal.

I will just note that I still have my 6s+, a 6s, a 5, a 4s, a 4 and a 3GS. I also just updated my 6th Gen iPad to iOS 13.5 yesterday.
Well got my 11 back in April, so haven't had it long. Plan is to upgrade to the 2021 flagship, the iPhone 13 or whatever; though if every 13 ends up portless, I may upgrade to the 12 pro and keep that for ages. Have no interest in a portless phone any time soon. The other alternative is switching over to the Samsung S21, assuming it doesn't have the issues the Exynos S20 model has.
My wife is due to upgrade now and has an iPhone 8. She’s getting a sim only contract to bridge the gap between now and when the new iPhones come out. It’s only 4 months away after all.
There’s two ways of looking at this:

General consumers don’t upgrade on an annual basis, simply because they can’t afford to. When you’re looking at making payments around $60 on average for a smart phone, They wouldn’t have the phone paid off in time anyway in order to upgrade (Unless you’re on the upgrade program with Apple/something to that effect.)

The other considerations, some of us have the luxury of upgrading annually, because businesses/employers provide us the Privilege where they have contracts through the carriers to have the latest devices when they release.
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There’s two ways of looking at this:

General consumers don’t upgrade on an annual basis, simply because they can’t afford to. When you’re looking at making payments around $60 on average for a smart phone, They wouldn’t have the phone paid off in time anyway in order to upgrade (Unless you’re on the upgrade program with Apple/something to that effect.)
‘General consumers’ is a bit too broad I think as there are many categories. A lot of general consumers aren’t into phones with an interest level of many of us on here. Some can’t afford to upgrade every year, some can’t afford a smartphone over £300, and some can but wouldn’t be interested in upgrading annually anyway. I always suggest around this tome to people I know who don’t have an interest in phones to wait until the new ones are released and check out the deals on last years device.
‘General consumers’ is a bit too broad I think as there are many categories. A lot of general consumers aren’t into phones with an interest level of many of us on here.

You’re deviating inadvertently, but that’s Ok. General consumers (I.e Majority status) v.s. tech Enthusiasts on a site like this are not mutually exclusive. General consumers who are probably paying a smart phone over the course of two years wouldn’t have the luxury of upgrading annually, because they probably can’t afford to [Which Doesn’t even include their monthly data plan] And/or the device is not paid off. That’s a fact.

When we start looking at those who have the luxury of upgrading annually because they’re on an ‘upgrade program’ or the other example I laid out, was there employer allows them to do so.

When you take into account of a recession, exorbitantly priced smart phones over $1000, again, general consumers probably don’t have the necessary funds to purchase a smart phone annually, and we have to look at it as a spectrum of ‘general’, well, because that’s exactly what it is.
My contract is up (iPhone 8 Plus) and naturally I think about upgrading, but what do people think when they’re eligible for upgrading at this time of year?

Obviously there’s a new iPhone in the next 5-6 months or so, but do people feel grabbing existing handsets now, with big data allowances for example (from what I can see these are getting bigger now), is a better bet? Just curious.

I can get an XS for £26 a month, or an 11 for £35 a month. I’m tempted, because I’m a bit thrifty these days 🙂

That said I also like new technology, so I’m trying to wait...

I had the iPHone 8 then upgraded to the X when it came out. I have not upgraded since, and most likely won’t until they get rid of the notch. If mine breaks before that then I’ll get and 11 or something but otherwise I will wait until notch is gone.
You’re deviating inadvertently, but that’s Ok. General consumers (I.e Majority status) v.s. tech Enthusiasts on a site like this are not mutually exclusive. General consumers who are probably paying a smart phone over the course of two years wouldn’t have the luxury of upgrading annually, because they probably can’t afford to [Which Doesn’t even include their monthly data plan] And/or the device is not paid off. That’s a fact.

When we start looking at those who have the luxury of upgrading annually because they’re on an ‘upgrade program’ or the other example I laid out, was there employer allows them to do so.

When you take into account of a recession, exorbitantly priced smart phones over $1000, again, general consumers probably don’t have the necessary funds to purchase a smart phone annually, and we have to look at it as a spectrum of ‘general’, well, because that’s exactly what it is.

I am deviating yes and I’m aware it’s ok to do that. It wasn’t inadvertent, it was very deliberate on my part. I was just pointing out there are millions of people who are on contracts but could afford to upgrade annually if they really wanted to. I’m in that category myself but prefer to pay for my phone over 2 years. Contracts are popular to the majority because they have cheaper monthly payments but don’t assume that’s due to affordability with most, it’s often due to those wanting a bargain. Why pay £60 a month when you can pay £30? It’s all perception and careful planning.
Contracts are popular to the majority because they have cheaper monthly payments but don’t assume that’s due to affordability with most, it’s often due to those wanting a bargain.

I think you’re rehashing things that we already know, that really doesn’t need to be discussed Why contracts Are popular. The reality is, A ~$1000 dollar smart phone is not attainable for the majority of consumers, which is why they have to resort into paying $60 or more a month for a smart phone. I really don’t consider that to be a ‘bargain‘ at all, consumers should buy the phone that they can afford, not what you can ‘finance because the carrier says you can’ or ‘makes it easy’. Maybe that’s what you’re misunderstanding. There’s nothing bargain about a $1000 smart phone.

But the problem is, when you look at Apple’s marketing, it’s heavily geared towards their most expensive iPhone, and then when you consider the actual ‘cost versus what someone can afford, those are totally two different concepts that consumers fall in the same trap of something they want, but can’t afford it. If it wasn’t for monthly payments, There would it be in existence for A $1000 smart phone on the market. That’s a fact.
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iPhone 8+ (3 years old in September) + failing battery + failing lightning port + microphone issues + desire for better camera = new phone in the fall.
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My contract is up (iPhone 8 Plus) and naturally I think about upgrading, but what do people think when they’re eligible for upgrading at this time of year?

Obviously there’s a new iPhone in the next 5-6 months or so, but do people feel grabbing existing handsets now, with big data allowances for example (from what I can see these are getting bigger now), is a better bet? Just curious.

I can get an XS for £26 a month, or an 11 for £35 a month. I’m tempted, because I’m a bit thrifty these days

That said I also like new technology, so I’m trying to wait...

I may be holding on to my 8+ for another year. It still works great, was recently replaced by Apple due to a battery swap gone wrong), and with people having to wear face masks for the near future, Face ID loses a lot of its appeal.
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My iPhone 8 is going on 3 years. I am looking to upgrade possibly this fall. I will be looking at the 5.4 or perhaps an older model. Then there is the new SE even. Or I might just continue using what I already have.

As for affordability I could have certainly upgraded before this but I just don’t see where any phone is worth a $1000 and would rather spend my money elsewhere. I know I’m probably in the minority here where all things Apple is coveted. That and there is the fact that most of us don’t really need a new phone on a yearly basis to begin with.

If I upgrade it will be because I want to...not out of necessity.
I think you’re rehashing things that we already know, that really doesn’t need to be discussed Why contracts Are popular. The reality is, A ~$1000 dollar smart phone is not attainable for the majority of consumers, which is why they have to resort into paying $60 or more a month for a smart phone. I really don’t consider that to be a ‘bargain‘ at all, consumers should buy the phone that they can afford, not what you can ‘finance because the carrier says you can’ or ‘makes it easy’. Maybe that’s what you’re misunderstanding. There’s nothing bargain about a $1000 smart phone.

But the problem is, when you look at Apple’s marketing, it’s heavily geared towards their most expensive iPhone, and then when you consider the actual ‘cost versus what someone can afford, those are totally two different concepts that consumers fall in the same trap of something they want, but can’t afford it. If it wasn’t for monthly payments, There would it be in existence for A $1000 smart phone on the market. That’s a fact.

That’s why people opt for a contract in the first place, because they *can* afford a monthly payment. It’s like any other utility bill. I don’t see most people buying a £1000 smartphone though, it’s definitely not the behaviour of the majority, certainly not in Europe at least. Also Apples marketing here isn’t geared towards the most expensive iPhone. Most of the TV adverts right now are pushing the iPhone 11 and if you walk into any Apple store it’s the 11 that has the most visual marketing. The Pro’s are in a smaller section in my experience. I found that quite interesting and assume it’s because most customers aren’t buying them? It would make sense and backs up even anecdotal experience.

There is nothing ‘bargain’ about paying £60 a month I agree and I never claimed there was. I wasn’t even talking about the Pro, nor did I refer to it. Talking about iPhones is not always about the most expensive phone.
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