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Original poster
Dec 20, 2013
I have a problem on my 2017 15" macbook pro as the B and N letter are occasionally doubble pressing

it happens much more in the b key than the n key

i don't always clean or even use the keyboard as the laptop is always open and is connected to a mechanical keyboard so i think there are some dust that went under the keys

i stress the macbook a lot and use it 24/7 for gaming and downloading so it's always open...

any idea how to clean it or is there any known fix? there is no apple stores in my country for your information so i can't fix it under warranty

i tried removing the keys and cleaning it and it works but it comes back. i only had it in the b key but i recently got it in the n key too.

i didn't correct any letter in the thread so this time it only happened one time with the b key.

sorry i missed the "?" in the title
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If you have already taken it apart and it keeps happening then there's pretty much nothing else you can do. The only thing left now is to send it in to Apple and have your entire top case including battery and touchpad replaced under warranty.

Oh, and welcome to the club of failed 2016/2017 keyboards. It's starting to get a little bit cramped in here.
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I have a problem on my 2017 15" macbook pro as the B and N letter are occasionally doubble pressing

it happens much more in the b key than the n key
Welcome to the world of MBP 2016/17 keyboard issues, mate. Same probblem as you described but on a 2016 15", despite taking very good care of it. No known solution but to get a whole top-case replacement (cleaning and letting the laptop cool down works only as a temporary fix). Your machine should be under warranty so you're covered, but take into account that if/when it happens again out of warranty it will be 700$ a pop, therefore an extended warranty is highly recommended for these models.
Welcome to the world of MBP 2016/17 keyboard issues, mate. Same probblem as you described but on a 2016 15", despite taking very good care of it. No known solution but to get a whole top-case replacement (cleaning and letting the laptop cool down works only as a temporary fix). Your machine should be under warranty so you're covered, but take into account that if/when it happens again out of warranty it will be 700$ a pop, therefore an extended warranty is highly recommended for these models.
Tbh if that's the case then selling is the only solution. I love the laptop but can't deal with these problems
Tbh if that's the case then selling is the only solution. I love the laptop but can't deal with these problems
I suppose a lot of it boils down to your individual luck. Some people never had problems so far, others unfortunately went through multiple replacements. Mine is going back to Apple next week and then it's fingers crossed for the future. My point is, the frequency of these issues can't be ignored anymore in good faith, and this "faulty keyboard lottery" can be a very expensive game.

To be clear, I also absolutely love the design and performance of the new MBPs! But I recommend against purchasing them with the default 1-year warranty only.
I suppose a lot of it boils down to your individual luck. Some people never had problems so far, others unfortunately went through multiple replacements. Mine is going back to Apple next week and then it's fingers crossed for the future. My point is, the frequency of these issues can't be ignored anymore in good faith, and this "faulty keyboard lottery" can be a very expensive game.

To be clear, I also absolutely love the design and performance of the new MBPs! But I recommend against purchasing them with the default 1-year warranty only.

I actually replaced my two weeks old 2016 for the 2017 i have now. i was scared from the issues people kept posting about 2016 macbooks and i already had many issues with the 2016 but i guess my luck is bad

i have other issues i will state below

1- something moving inside the display so when you tilt the laptop you hear something rattling inside
2- the double typing B & N keys
3- popping sound when the laptop is very cold and suddenly increase the temps

my 2017 is 4 months old so i am not sure i am capable to increase the warranty
1- something moving inside the display so when you tilt the laptop you hear something rattling inside
Ah, this is a known design flaw of all MBPs made in the last few years, but fortunately it has no practical consequences. You can't do anything about it since every machine is prone to doing it, but it won't cause any problem aside from the rattling sound itself.
As others have said, take it back and get a keyboard/topcase replacement AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Don't wait on this.
Once you have it back, it will be your option to keep it or sell it.
Be aware that the keyboard problem -could- come back again.

If you want to be "rid of KeyGate™", your best option might be to sell and buy a 2015-design MBPro 15" from Apple (you can buy these either brand-new or Apple-refurbished).
No more keyboard problems after that...
As others have said, take it back and get a keyboard/topcase replacement AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Don't wait on this.
Once you have it back, it will be your option to keep it or sell it.
Be aware that the keyboard problem -could- come back again.

If you want to be "rid of KeyGate™", your best option might be to sell and buy a 2015-design MBPro 15" from Apple (you can buy these either brand-new or Apple-refurbished).
No more keyboard problems after that...

I actually had a chance to get the 2015 for half the price but 2017 is just more powerful and dgpu is much better......

if i sold my macbook i won't buy any apple laptop again. it's my first apple product ever and tbh i love it but i got it as i wanted to keep using it for at least 5 years without problems

there are no apple stores in my country and the authorized reseller needs 2-3 months to fix it
I don't as it's simply a joke that this is now a requirement due to Apple's pointless obsession with "Thinner" and inadequate design...

Professionally I moved to notebooks that are fit for purpose, not feed Apple more $$$$ for product that is inherently flawed due to form over function, profit over reliability, wowing the masses versus serving the customer...

I don't as it's simply a joke that this is now a requirement due to Apple's pointless obsession with "Thinner" and inadequate design...

Professionally I moved to notebooks that are fit for purpose, not feed Apple more $$$$ for product that is inherently flawed due to form over function, profit over reliability, wowing the masses versus serving the customer...


I am considering moving to another laptop but i just afraid to do it. it's my first macbook and i don't see myself using other brands. i seriously love it but also hate these stupid issues
I am considering moving to another laptop but i just afraid to do it. it's my first macbook and i don't see myself using other brands. i seriously love it but also hate these stupid issues

I'm over 20 years with the Mac, today all my notebooks utilised professionally are W10 based for one simple reason I rely on their performance and reliability. Apple's focus today is on the casual user and extracting maximum margin, not providing the best product Apple can design & produce.

The current keyboard situation is simply a joke and clearly due to Apple's lack of due diligence, exasperated in your case by the limited support in country. 2-3 months to effect repair would cost me as much as a decent car, and exactly why I no longer value Apple as a provider of serious hardware with Apple being desperate for my endorsement, yet seemingly incapable of producing adequate hardware....

There's really only two things you can do: face the facts and accept that the keyboard is broken and isn't going to fix itself. The one and only thing that can be done at this point is for Apple to replace the entire top case including battery, trackpad, and keyboard. Or you can keep living in denial hoping for the issues to magically disappear and continue living in fear.

In all seriousness: if there is no established Apple service infrastructure in your country then maybe an Apple product is the wrong choice. If it'll take 2-3 months to get this fixed (it took Apple slightly over a week to replace my top case the three times I sent my MBP in for repair in the past eight months) and there's no way you can do without the MacBook Pro for 2-3 months then I guess you're screwed either way.

Good luck figuring this out.
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There's really only two things you can do: face the facts and accept that the keyboard is broken and isn't going to fix itself. The one and only thing that can be done at this point is for Apple to replace the entire top case including battery, trackpad, and keyboard. Or you can keep living in denial hoping for the issues to magically disappear and continue living in fear.

In all seriousness: if there is no established Apple service infrastructure in your country then maybe an Apple product is the wrong choice. If it'll take 2-3 months to get this fixed (it took Apple slightly over a week to replace my top case the three times I sent my MBP in for repair in the past eight months) and there's no way you can do without the MacBook Pro for 2-3 months then I guess you're screwed either way.

Good luck figuring this out.

i moved to the country after buying. i actually bought my macbook from apple store in UAE. it takes 2-3 months because they don't have the item ready and they need to import it. installation takes 3 weeks.
There's really only two things you can do: face the facts and accept that the keyboard is broken and isn't going to fix itself. The one and only thing that can be done at this point is for Apple to replace the entire top case including battery, trackpad, and keyboard. Or you can keep living in denial hoping for the issues to magically disappear and continue living in fear.

In all seriousness: if there is no established Apple service infrastructure in your country then maybe an Apple product is the wrong choice. If it'll take 2-3 months to get this fixed (it took Apple slightly over a week to replace my top case the three times I sent my MBP in for repair in the past eight months) and there's no way you can do without the MacBook Pro for 2-3 months then I guess you're screwed either way.

Good luck figuring this out.

Sadly this is the price of buying into "Apple doesn't care" :(

Some times you can 'rescue' a button by pressing down hard on it. Sometimes it goes away by itself. Some times it stays, and then you need to take it in.

About 25% of the keys on my 2016 Macbook went wonky and the top case was replaced on the warranty. Currently only the tab button is making permanent problems, so it is going in again.
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I used this method and now it's happening much less.

Better solution is not to support Apple, as long as people continue accept this garbage Apple will continue to produce the same rubbish. I am by no means suggesting that people switch to W10, I am however suggesting that we as community send a strong message to Apple that such poor design for the sake of the aesthetic is completely unacceptable...

Better solution is not to support Apple, as long as people accept this garbage Apple will continue to produce the same rubbish. I am by no means suggesting that people switch to W10, I am however suggesting that we as community send a strong message to Apple that such poor design for the sake of the aesthetic is completely unacceptable...


I am not supporting apple. i don't support any company. I am pretty sure apple knows there is a problem as i absolutely notice that the 2017 keyboard is much much better than 2016. 2017 may have problems too but it's less than 2016. on my 2016 the keys stopped working and some went sticky. it was absolutely scary

maybe they will figure it out in the next macbook then change the keyboards to the new one like they did with 2016 using 2017 keyboards

I have no problem replacing my laptop with a windows machine, but it was actually a dream for me to buy a macbook. i always wanted one since 2012. it was on my to-do list for 6 years but didn't have the budget.

the day i got my macbook i actually had no plans buying one. i just went to the mall to buy a gaming laptop, found an apple store and gave it a visit. it was my first visit to an apple store so i decided to just accomplish one of my dreams and buy the macbook pro. pretty sad i am experiencing these issues but i still love it so much tbh
"Fixed" (as of 24h, not permanent yet) my double-pressing spacebar issue with what felt like a can of compressed air in the zig-zag pattern suggested by Apple. I also reset the PRAM and SMC, just in case - perhaps it was that, but I sort of doubt it. Happy to have a fully functional keyboard back... at least for now....
"Fixed" (as of 24h, not permanent yet) my double-pressing spacebar issue with what felt like a can of compressed air in the zig-zag pattern suggested by Apple. I also reset the PRAM and SMC, just in case - perhaps it was that, but I sort of doubt it. Happy to have a fully functional keyboard back... at least for now....

I used this method and it fixed for now too..

I am not supporting apple. i don't support any company. I am pretty sure apple knows there is a problem as i absolutely notice that the 2017 keyboard is much much better than 2016. 2017 may have problems too but it's less than 2016. on my 2016 the keys stopped working and some went sticky. it was absolutely scary

maybe they will figure it out in the next macbook then change the keyboards to the new one like they did with 2016 using 2017 keyboards

I have no problem replacing my laptop with a windows machine, but it was actually a dream for me to buy a macbook. i always wanted one since 2012. it was on my to-do list for 6 years but didn't have the budget.

the day i got my macbook i actually had no plans buying one. i just went to the mall to buy a gaming laptop, found an apple store and gave it a visit. it was my first visit to an apple store so i decided to just accomplish one of my dreams and buy the macbook pro. pretty sad i am experiencing these issues but i still love it so much tbh

I rely on my hardware as an intrinsic aspect of my living, so I am simply unwilling to roll the dice due to Apple's inadequate design & testing. I do believe that Apple will resolve the issue at some point, equally shockingly poor performance and yet another group of MBP models that are inherently flawed.

Keyboards sticking and jamming, combined with a ridiculous design that requires the whole top case to be replaced, simply a joke. I genuinely feel for those such as yourself, striving for years to purchase an MBP only to be let down by Apple's shoddiness and lack of due diligence. I rather imagine the frustration and disappointment is significant. For me MBP is just a work tool and pays for itself near instantaneously, equally I value my time far more than Apple's current fashion conscious approach allows.

Wait until those affected have to start paying out their own pockets, then the joy will really spread...

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