Don't pretend you have knowledge about something if you don't as people will see through that rather quickly. In this case your complete lack of experience with children shows and to some extend even colleagues. There are people, especially young children who'll point at the display and will touch it with their greasy fingers. Everyone has greasy fingers because ones skin is oily in order to protect it from the elements. It's this oily/greasy substance that is really difficult to get rid off off surfaces such as glass, matte black painted objects and so on. The only way to get rid of oily/greasy substances on those surfaces is aggressive stuff like vinegar and alcohol.
Now you could and, to some extend, should keep children away from computers and/or learn them not to touch the display. When they do you should quickly clean the display but this is not always possible nor does it always work. The same way one should not be sneezing towards the display but away from it. Quickly turning your head is enough.