Hello, I am using iPhone 13 mini for 2.5 years since its come to the market , I am just iOS 16 and the battery is 86 now , I ask apple about replace a battery , its around $90 US , After I ask the staff incase I have my own reason and pay to replace a whole unit , is it possible , they told me that its around $400 US , I feel a bit struggle on it , since I really love the size of 13 mini and apple never get back this size anymore , I put it into my shorts to run at least 10-15 km every day , that's why I concern about the size , and if i pay for a replace unit , I wish I still can enjoy it for at least 3 or maybe 4 years more , beside , I also struggle on will that replace unit is install iOS 17 are already .
I would want to hear more advise from all of you no matter support or against , thanks all you guys

I would want to hear more advise from all of you no matter support or against , thanks all you guys