There is no sound when it boots up to indicate, there is just an Apple logo and it goes straight into the OS. I hold the keyboard command down like I always did on my iMac, but it does nothing and my iMac always played a sound to let you know. Sometimes however I don't even see any boot, it just goes straight into the OS so I do not get a chance.
I keep getting a Bug 210 Kernel Panic thing, I've tried updating and I'm still getting it. It only happens when the Mac sleeps, but I cannot live with a machine that isn't working properly that I got just over a month ago.
If I start the machine with an eGPU plugged in it displays nothing and the HDMI out of the machine displays green only. If I unplug the eGPU it then displays the OS :/ I've tried a different monitor and get the same result...
I dunno what to do? I sent it back to Apple, they sent it right back to me saying no fault..... well there is!
I keep getting a Bug 210 Kernel Panic thing, I've tried updating and I'm still getting it. It only happens when the Mac sleeps, but I cannot live with a machine that isn't working properly that I got just over a month ago.
If I start the machine with an eGPU plugged in it displays nothing and the HDMI out of the machine displays green only. If I unplug the eGPU it then displays the OS :/ I've tried a different monitor and get the same result...
I dunno what to do? I sent it back to Apple, they sent it right back to me saying no fault..... well there is!