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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 30, 2014
There is no sound when it boots up to indicate, there is just an Apple logo and it goes straight into the OS. I hold the keyboard command down like I always did on my iMac, but it does nothing and my iMac always played a sound to let you know. Sometimes however I don't even see any boot, it just goes straight into the OS so I do not get a chance.

I keep getting a Bug 210 Kernel Panic thing, I've tried updating and I'm still getting it. It only happens when the Mac sleeps, but I cannot live with a machine that isn't working properly that I got just over a month ago.

If I start the machine with an eGPU plugged in it displays nothing and the HDMI out of the machine displays green only. If I unplug the eGPU it then displays the OS :/ I've tried a different monitor and get the same result...

I dunno what to do? I sent it back to Apple, they sent it right back to me saying no fault..... well there is!
Holding command R down and it just won't go into it, even with the apple logo.
Are you using a bluetooth keyboard? Keyboard might not be connecting soon enough. Do you have a wired keyboard you can try? I find it handy to always have a wired keyboard and mouse around for troubleshooting.
It can be difficult to get the timing right when using wireless keyboard. I find I need to plug my apple keyboard directly to my monitor for instant recognition. I have my monitor plugged to the MM. Otherwise I would plug my wireless keyboard direct to the MM USB port.

I would not try updating or trouble shooting with the eGPU plugged in.
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Here is the terminal command to enable startup chime. I'm not sure that will change anything in this case.

sudo nvram StartupMute=%01
There was a long thread about 2018 Mac mini kernel panic 210 after sleep. The general consensus was to turn off sleep in Energy Saver settings. The mini at idle uses very little power anyway.

It should work on Mojave :/ I'm not updating as I use 32bit apps.

I'm sending it back and getting a refund if I can, I'm just trying to get hold of the retailer.

Apple didn't help me again so I'm giving up on them.

I've gone from all Apple 5 years ago to only an iPhone if I get this sent back.... too many bad experiences. I mean my iMac had screen burn.... how does LCD have screen burn? No other monitor I've ever had has had it on LCD... I'm still using one from 2010.

I thought I'd buy a Mac mini and use my own Monitor... but the Mac Mini is faulty and Apple wouldn't accept it. Like my Apple Watch, one side of the screen is brighter than the other side and Apple wouldn't repair that so I sold it.
If you want to try again, use a WIRED USB keyboard.

I've tried plugged in the Mac keyboard and it doesn't go into recovery, I don't have a second keyboard with command on it. Though my iMac worked with bluetooth on boot up, so I don't get why the Mac mini wouldn't?

I tried turning sleep off and it still does it when my monitor turns off. I tried it with my TV, I tried it with the 3 other monitors I have from different manufacturers and it still does it.

I tried not using Safari like people say and that didn't help.

I'm just waiting to see if the store will take it back though it's been a month and a half.
"I don't have a second keyboard with command on it."

If it's a windowz keyboard, try the "windows" key.
If that doesn't work, try the other modifier keys.

To enable the startup sound:
- open terminal
- enter:
sudo nvram StartupMute=%00
(enter password when prompted)
- reboot
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