I have some .WAV music files that are multichannel DTS 5.1. How can I play those on my ATV4? I think iTunes is limited to 2-channel. I tried Plex, but it doesn't seem to be able to read the files.
Download VLC for Apple TV, I think this will work for you
I just tried that on my Mac and VLC is the only thing that will play them (on itunes I just get static). VLC for ATV, unfortunately, does not recognize the file type.
Surprised by your comments. I just listened to half a dozen different 5.1 .WAV files on my Apple TV using VLC for Apple TV and they all played okay.
What do you mean?or is there some other way to get the files onto VLC on the ATV?
Is the was you play them to store the .WAV files on a local computer and then open VLC and navigate to the files by selecting local network? or is there some other way to get the files onto VLC on the ATV?
I use System Preferences/Sharing to share the folder with my music files, then browse to this folder using VLC.
.... or just drag n' drop your file straight into vlc media library.