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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 27, 2017
i assume it can't be done at the store and I need to send it in and wait for them to accept my phone then eventually mail me a gift card?


macrumors 68000
Mar 13, 2012
I investigated this last week - Apple basically gives you a gift card or credit for your phone. You can use the credit towards lowering iPhone Upgrade Plan payments or towards the purchase of a full priced phone. You CANNOT use it to reduce prices for a carrier installment program.

What I will end up doing is using it to pay for Airpods.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 27, 2017
I'm wondering how much they will give me for my AppleCare + I have remaining on my 7. I have 1 accidental claim left


macrumors member
Jul 31, 2010
I went to two Apple Stores by me last week and this weekend and was told I had to be buying a phone that same day. I wanted to get a gift card, but both of them said that's only done online. Any feedback from the folks that have done this in store and walked out with a gift card? Thanks in advance,


macrumors newbie
Nov 19, 2017
Do they take iPhone trade-ins right at the Apple Store? I tried at one of my Apple Stores and said you can only do it online. But I saw on Apple's website for iPhone trade up program, you can do it at an Apple Store. I'm a bit conflicted at the inconsistent answer I am getting. I guess I went to an Apple Store that doesn't give that service? Anybody with recent experience doing this?


macrumors 6502a
Mar 11, 2012
Do they take iPhone trade-ins right at the Apple Store? I tried at one of my Apple Stores and said you can only do it online. But I saw on Apple's website for iPhone trade up program, you can do it at an Apple Store. I'm a bit conflicted at the inconsistent answer I am getting. I guess I went to an Apple Store that doesn't give that service? Anybody with recent experience doing this?
You can do it right when you buy your new phone at the Apple store.
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